Nurses As Health Advocates Paper

Nurses As Health Advocates Paper Nurses As Health Advocates Paper consider the attributes of an effective advocate for population health and/or the nursing profession. You will analyze those attributes that help nurses be a powerful force in improving the quality of health care and in this case especially, the needs of returning veterans and their families.Nurses As Health Advocates Paper To prepare: the review article must by referenced •Review the article “On Being a Good Nurse: Reflections on the Past and Preparing for the Future” and “War, its aftermath, and U.S. health policy: Toward a comprehensive health program for America’s military personnel, veterans, and their families” found in this week’s Learning Resources. •Consider the multiple health care needs of returning veterans and their families. discuss two types of health needs returning veterans and their families might need. How might you advocate for the needs of this population. What type of advocacy skills would you need and how could you develop them. What responsibility does a nurse have to be an advocate? Give specific examples. Permalink: nurses-as-health-advocates-paper / ? Active military service members and retired veterans have given their allegiance and sometimes their lives to preserve our nation’s safety and security. Their contributions to the protection of our country come at great cost to their lives and the lives of their families. Nurses are an integral part of the medical team saving lives of military personnel both in the trenches of combat, within community hospitals and clinics. At each point of delivery of care nurses are prepared to meet the needs of military service men and women. “ Of the 837,000 service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan who left military service as of November 2007, nearly 40% have sought health care from the VA”(Deyton, Hess, & Jackonis, 2008, p. 683).Nurses As Health Advocates Paper This large populations attempt to seek the care they need goes unmet by the Military Health System (MHS) and the VA health system due impart to lack of healthcare resources and funding. A health care issue military service men and women face is access to primary health care insurance coverage for their injuries sustained during combat and for their families. Another health issue identified is treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Nurse Advocate Nurses are trained to be advocates for their patients. Advocacy is an inherent trait of nurses. As a nurse advocate for military personnel returning from combat I would need to be educated to handle the needs of patients with traumatic brain injury and PTSD. I should act autonomously to breakdown the barriers to access of heath care for these patients to ensure quality of care, defend patients rights and serve as a liaison between the patient and the health care system particularly when a patients self advocacy is impaired as in those patients with PTSD and TBI (Negarandeh, Oskoui, Fazlollah, Nikeavesh, & Hallberg, 2006). Nurse Responsibilities Defining the Roles, Obligations, and Responsibilities of the Modern Nurse Contemporary nursing has become a highly specialized field with numerous different practice areas and corresponding roles, obligations, and responsibilities.Nurses As Health Advocates Paper Yet, in spite of the broad range of specialization and practice areas, nurses continue to share basic fundamental roles as members of their profession. For example, nurses have responsibilities as patient educators in any interaction with patients, and they have responsibilities as patient advocates and as advocates for their profession. A strong argument can be made that nurses have an obligation to help resolve significant problems in human health and with their profession within the framework of their general ethical obligations as healthcare professionals (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2007; Taylor, Lillis, & LeMone, 2010). In many respects, that obligation extends to include the obligation to help solicit regulatory and legislative support for issues in the community that are associated with negative health consequences. Those obligations include helping to make patients and members of the community more aware of potential health concerns in their patient-educator role, helping communities resolve environmental conditions that contribute to or exacerbate the problem, and soliciting support from elected public officials and government agencies in their role as community health advocates (Stanhope & Nurses As Health Advocates Paper Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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