Nurses Views and Experiences Quantitative and Qualitative Summary

Nurses Views and Experiences Quantitative and Qualitative Summary Nurses Views and Experiences Quantitative and Qualitative Summary I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? Hello again.. This is the second part to the assignment. The assignment contains three part as we previously spoke about. quantitative_and_qualitative_summary.docx ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Quantitative and Qualitative Summary (Abstract) This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies. For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing and write a summary of each study. Each summary must be accurate, succinct, and clear. These articles should be somewhat related to your PICOT questions. Ensure the following questions are addressed in each summary: 1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)? 2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis? 3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes? 4. What was the setting of the study? 5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.) You must submit the research study articles along with your summaries. • Each summary should be between 150–250 words. • Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. This rubric is used to evaluate the abstract of a quantitative and qualitative research article in NURS350. The rubric is set up to score each research article (quantitative and qualitative) separately and provide one cumulative grade. For each research article, there are 6 categories to assess: type of research, research questions & hypothesis, sample, setting, findings, and mechanics. Mostly Meets Expectations Below Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Type of Research: Quantitative Study Points Range:6.75 (4.50%) 7.5 (5.00%) Research is correctly and clearly identified as quantitative. Points Range:5.7 (3.80%) 6.675 (4.45%) Research is not clearly identified as quantitative. Points Range:4.5 (3.00%) 5.625 (3.75%) Research type is not identified as quantitative. Points Range:0 (0.00 4.425 (2.95% Research typ identified. Research Questions & Hypothesis: Quantitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Research questions and hypotheses are mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Research questions and hypotheses are partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Research questions and hypotheses are partially incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Research qu and hypothe incorrectly id and stated. Sample Quantitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Sample, sample size, and sample attribute are mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Sample, sam size, and sam attributes are incorrectly id and stated. Setting Quantitative Study Points Range:6.75 (4.50%) 7.5 (5.00%) Setting is mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:5.7 (3.80%) 6.675 (4.45%) Setting is partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:4.5 (3.00%) 5.625 (3.75%) Setting is partially or incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 4.425 (2.95% Setting is inc identified and Findings Quantitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Researcher findings are mostly accurately identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Researcher findings are partially identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Some researcher findings are incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%). Barry University Nurses Views and Experiences Quantitative and Qualitative Summary Researcher f are incorrect identified and Meets or Exceeds Expectations Meets or Exceeds Expectations Mostly Meets Expectations Below Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Mechanics & Length Quantitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Summary is 150– 250 words. Grammar and spelling are mostly free of errors. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Summary is 100– 300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not significantly impede readability. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Summary is 100– 300 words. There are grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Summary is than 100 or m than 300 wor There are sig grammatical spelling error impede read Type of Research: Qualitative Study Points Range:6.75 (4.50%) 7.5 (5.00%) Research type is correctly and clearly identified as qualitative. Points Range:5.7 (3.80%) 6.675 (4.45%) Research type is not clearly identified as qualitative. Points Range:4.5 (3.00%) 5.625 (3.75%) Research type is not identified as qualitative. Points Range:0 (0.00 4.425 (2.95% Research typ identified. Research Questions & Hypothesis: Qualitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Research questions and hypotheses are mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Research questions and hypotheses are partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Research questions and hypotheses are partially incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Research qu and hypothe incorrectly id and stated. Sample Qualitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Sample, sample size, and sample attribute are mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Sample, sam size, and sam attributes are incorrectly id and stated. Setting Qualitative Study Points Range:6.75 (4.50%) 7.5 (5.00%) Setting is mostly correctly identified and stated. Points Range:5.7 (3.80%) 6.675 (4.45%) Setting is partially correctly identified and stated. Points Range:4.5 (3.00%) 5.625 (3.75%) Setting is partially or incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 4.425 (2.95% Setting is inc identified and Meets or Exceeds Expectations Mostly Meets Expectations Below Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Findings Qualitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Researcher findings are mostly accurately identified and stated. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Researcher findings are partially identified and stated. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Some researcher findings are incorrectly identified and stated. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Researcher f are incorrect identified and Mechanics & Length Qualitative Study Points Range:13.5 (9.00%) 15 (10.00%) Summary is 150– 250 words. Grammar and spelling are mostly free of errors. Points Range:11.4 (7.60%) 13.35 (8.90%) Summary is 100– 300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not significantly impede readability. Points Range:9 (6.00%) 11.25 (7.50%) Summary is 100– 300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability. Points Range:0 (0.00 8.85 (5.90%) Summary is than 100 or m than 300 wor There are sig grammatical spelling error impede read … Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service . Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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