Nursing Care for Meningitis from a nursing perspective.

IĀ’m trying to study for my Nursing course and I need some help to understand this question.

This is an educative/informative essay where you will have to break down what is meningitis in a pediatric patient, briefly discuss the different types, such as, bacterial, viral, and fungal, also discuss the causes of meningitis, signs and symptoms a pediatric patient will have, the treatment process from diagnostics, medications, etc… also discuss the nursing care needed and patient teaching during hospital stay and patient teaching before being discharged from hospital to go home.

Basically, you can break down each topic into; What is it? how will it present? how do we treat it in the hospital and at home? what does the patient need to know in order to get better?

This informative essay is to be 2-3 pages long. APA format.

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