Nursing Financial Analysis Report Project Paper

Nursing Financial Analysis Report Project Paper Nursing Financial Analysis Report Project Paper Financial Analysis Report Paper for Biogen Pharma or another company of your choice. Choose a U.S.-based Fortune 500 company to analyze; submit the name to be approved by the instructor. Each student will analyze a unique company (no two students may choose the same company). Be sure to verify that your chosen firm has issued bonds that are outstanding because the project involves using bond data (can use to verify that bond data on firm is available). Nursing Financial Analysis Report Project Paper Permalink: nursing-financia…rt-project-paper / 6.3 Project Due No Due Date Points None Project | Not Graded Financial Analysis Report Project You now have most of the elements you need to start work on writing the Financial Analysis Report for your firm. It should be four to six pages typed, not including any appendix, exhibits or the reference pages. Remember, the objective of the report – based on your analysis – is to either recommend investing in the common stock of the firm or to advise against it. Your decision should be based on these factors: the past three years’ financial ratio analysis; the riskiness of the firm as shown by the firm’s beta; the past three years of stock price movements; the current stock price relative to the past three years’ highest and lowest prices; and a comparison of the current performance of a competitor or the industry on average. Financial Analysis Report Project Details Write a report on the financial condition of your corporation. The paper should be four to six pages. The bibliography and any financial statements and financial ratios are in addition to the six-page limit. You will want to include the trend analysis you performed based on Week 2 homework. You should also include in the appendix any additional data that you acquire from the Mergent and Value Line databases available from the Florida Tech library. Focus on the financial health of the company and the likelihood of achieving future success. Specifically, evaluate the company’s capital structure, liquidity, profitability, and effective use of assets, solvency, and any other relevant factors. State your opinion on the company’s short-term and long-term financial strength. Compare your company to the industry average and/or its closest competitor. Use Mergent and Value Line to help in this discussion. Please note that this is a financial analysis – present the “story” that your financial analysis discovered. Supplement the story with the past three years of stock price data that you examined in Week 6 and other outside news stories. You may want to examine analyst reports. There is a limit of six pages so you must think carefully about what information you want to include in your report. You may have as many pages as you wish in your appendix, but do not include data in appendix that is not referenced or discussed in text. Some of the items from Mergent are competitors’ calculated ratios. You may want to compare the ratios for your firm vs. the ratios of its competitors. For comparison purposes, use the ratios from Mergent so that there is not an issue with different time periods, as they use the last five quarters’ data. You can also find some of the latest news about your firm. Some of the items from Value Line are rankings for timeliness, financial strength, price growth persistence, safety, price stability, and earnings predictability. You can also see some of the latest news and projections for the company. Again, you may want to look at its closest competitor. Make sure that you also use citations and references to show where the information originated. The last paragraph should give your recommendation and reasoning for buying the stock. NOTE: Your report MUST have at least four references in the bibliography (reference section). Of these one has to be the company website, annual report, or your source for the financial statements; one has to be, where you accessed the bond data; one would be Yahoo, the source for your stock information; and you should access either Mergent or Value Line (preferably both) from the library to gather comparative and analyst information. Some current business reports on your firm from The Wall Street Journal or reputable online sources would enhance your analysis. Wikipedia is a self-reported data gathering site and as such is not acceptable as a cited source of information Financial Analysis Report Project Choose a U.S.-based Fortune 500 company to analyze; submit the name to be approved by the instructor. Each student will analyze a unique company (no two students may choose the same company). Be sure to verify that your chosen firm has issued bonds that are outstanding because the project involves using bond data (can use to verify that bond data on firm is available). Financial Analysis Report – Project Details The Financial Analysis Report must be submitted to Turnitin via the Submit Assignment button no later than Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET Grading Rubric for the Financial Analysis Report The grading for this individual project is based on a 0-5-points scale and stands for 20% of your overall grade in which: 0 Did not do at all 1 Barely attempted 2 Got about 25% of the ratios done 3 Got about 50% of the ratios done 4 Got about 75% of the ratios done 5 Submitted exactly as required by the assignment Trend analysis (20%) Bond average yield (10%) Firm beta correct (10%) Stock price last three years (10%) Firm WACC (10%) Analysis of data gathered (20%) Grammar, sentence construction, spellings, proper references, presentation, etc. (20%) NOTE: Some requirements may not grade on every point on scale. For example, getting the beta correct is either zero or five. 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