Nursing: Find an article about Patient Family Centered Care that based on EBP (Evidence Based Practice)

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First: A unit has experienced a significant drop in patient satisfaction with the primary complaints being a lack of communication to patients and their family members. (The assignment is to find an article that propose a move towards a patient-family cantered care environment that would address this issue, but this article must be an Evidence Based Practice article).

Second: Based on the article that you found, write at least one page analysis of the article (APA Format) based on the questions provided below:

Is this an Evidence Based Article? Name of Journal and Year article was written?


Name of Journal


State the problem

What was the goal of the project?

Does this project correlate with your problem? State how?

What are you trying to achieve? Does this article support this goal?



State how this article correlates with your group problem and goal.

Strengths (internal) (Provide 2)

What’s was good about your article?

Why was this project successful?

List attributes of the article, i.e. support from administration, councils, colleagues, institutions.

Did this implantation take place on a unit or area like yours?

Weakness (Internal)- issues (provide 2)

Example: lack of education, lack of staffing, staff readiness, lack of support; size, managerial style.

Opportunities (External) (Provide 2)

Example: Lack of supplies, educational needs, stakeholders, baseline (your baseline data), what needs to be improved?

Threats – (External) (Provide 2)

Staff buy in, support, limitations and barriers, supply cost, cost of implementation, time, money, realistic?

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