Nursing Home And Sub acute Care

Nursing Home And Sub acute Care Nursing Home And Sub acute Care During the nineteenth and the twentieth century, the term “nursing home” was synonymous with long-term care. Although today the exclusive use of the term “long-term care” is no longer accurate for nursing homes, it continues to remain and will not change easily. However, newer terms such as “nursing facilities” will help clarify the role of specific long-term care organizations and will differentiate them from others in the health care industry.Sub acute care is a relatively new but rapidly growing medical service in the continuum of care.Nursing Home And Sub acute Care Today, it is considered the fastest growing segment of the health care delivery system.Research the online references such as EBSCOhost, SocINDEX, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), or PubMed for information on nursing facilities and sub acute units and respond to the following questions:Do you agree with the change in the terminology of nursing homes to nursing facilities? Why or why not? How do the terms relate with each other?What impact does the historical perspective of the nursing home have on the stigma related to the quality of care?How were nursing facilities developed? What have been the consequences of the change in terminology? Do you think the change in terminology will impact the quality of care in the future? If yes, how? If no, why?What changes do you see nursing homes making in the future in order to keep up with the ever changing needs of the demographics of seniors?What are sub acute units? How did sub acute care emerge?Nursing Home And Sub acute Care What are the strengths and limitations of the emergence of sub acute care in long-term care as related to issues in levels of patients’ acuity (various levels of nursing care based on the needs of patients)? Support your answer with relevant examples.What is the impact of sub acute care on the cost and quality of care? Do you think sub acute care needs to be an integral component of hospitals, or should it be an integral part of the long-term care system? Provide a rationale for your answer.Based on your learning about nursing home care and sub acute care, compare their funding, staffing, regulation, and marketing. Permalink: nursing-home-and-sub-acute-care / ? In the early twentieth century, what we now call nursing homes did not exist. If elderly citizens had nowhere else to go, they were sent to live in rundown poor farms.Nursing Home And Sub acute Care Essay On August 14, 1935 President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, which provided matching grants to each state for Old Age Assistance (OAA). This in turn set in motion the opening of private homes that allowed people to live in a care facility and collect the OAA payments as well. It was not until the 1950’s when nursing homes started developing into the facilities most of us are familiar with today. It was then that nursing homes were required to follow state set standards for licensing and some even received Federal grants if they possessed a hospital like …show more content…Nursing Home And Sub acute Care During her stay, we witnessed firsthand all of the fun activities that take place in the home. In the United States, there are 17,000 elderly care facilities in which 1.6 million people reside in (PBS, 2012). Even though there are one bed private bedrooms available in most homes, they tend to be a bit on the expensive side and so most have to settle for staying in public rooms of up to four beds. This can give people the impression that nursing homes are overcrowded and that it can result in a greater risk of neglect and lack of privacy for their loved ones. As a person grows older, there is a higher possibility of becoming ill.Nursing Home And Sub acute Care At an old age where it’s hard to take care of yourself, it is very important to be around people who can do the job for you. Nursing homes are filled with highly trained doctors and nurses that can give seniors the medical treatments that are needed. Almost all nursing homes, including the Four Seasons, provide health services like physical therapy and round the clock nurse to their residents. This ensures that if there is any medical attention needed at any time of day, it will be administered right away with no need to wait for ambulances or in emergency rooms to be attended. With crowded facilities, as stated above, the risks of medical errors are high. According to Marshall B. Kapp, “a substantial amount of drugs are ordered and dispensed daily in this [nursing home] setting” (2003). Nursing Home And Sub acute Care Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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