Ohio University Negative Impact on Children During the Remote Study Research Paper

Ohio University Negative Impact on Children During the Remote Study Research Paper Ohio University Negative Impact on Children During the Remote Study Research Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Help me study for my Philosophy class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. My most important requirement is someone who is not busy and therefore could read a lot about my topic and spend time focusing on my work. I am always open to any suggestions or changes and would willingly make appropriate changes. The person who is willing to help me should have the following skills: Ability to create valid questions for a survey An excellent English speaker and writer also an expert on analysis design. Someone who is familiar with the online Learning and how the educational system works there. Someone who has had access to and the ability to find academic journals appropriate to the topic A person who is very good at writing strong and knowledge-based papers of appropriate length. I am looking for someone with critical and analytical thinking who also has good explanation skills Great writing skills and the ability to use various recourses Used and familiar with APA citation format 7th edition. Must use APA citation format 7th. Note: I use two plagiarism detection tools on the Internet, safe-assign, and Turnitin. So if I see any content without citation and reference will ask for cancellation immediately and no chance to redo it. Of course, I will provide a report for that to show you where you plagiarised. Sorry for the long talk but I am i want you to know that I am looking for free plagiarism work and high quality. I have no limited number of pages but you are responsible to answer and cover all these instructions.Ohio University Negative Impact on Children During the Remote Study Research Paper This part of the project in the attachment needs to be fixed and edited in some areas: – In the introduction/ must clear the Statement of the Problem, Research purpose, and add at least 3 Research questions. – in the literature review needs to add more sources and divide them as separate in each article or research at least 3 academic article. – In the Methodology needs to add at least one page of these main points: Sampling Strategy , Research design, Data Collection , Instrument, Procedures , Methods of Data analysis . – Add at least 10 surveys questions for the project. – Create PowerPoint presentation for explaining the project as the example in the attached file. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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