Organizational Change Plan Assignments
Organizational Change Plan Assignments
Organizational Change Plan Assignments
Organizational Change Plan Assignments
Organizational Change Plan Resource: Organizational Change Plan Grading Criteria
Develop Part I of a comprehensive plan to implement an organization change.
Choose an issue from your workplace and create a plan for a proposed change to resolve the issue.
Note. If you do not have a current workplace, or your workplace is not appropriate for this project, work with your instructor to identify an organization you may use for a change plan.
Your change proposal must be something you might actually implement in your workplace. Issues might be related to any of the following:
Health care services
Long-term care
Health care products
Information technology in health care
Billing in health care
Electronic medical records (EMR) implementation
Access to care
Outcome, process, or structure of care
Patient, family, or community experience of care
Create or revise an educational course or program
Any other appropriate faculty approved area
Part I of your plan focuses on assessment of the change issue and planning for the proposed change.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word plan with the following:
Examine the need in the organization for your proposed change.
Examine organizational and individual barriers to your proposed change.
Identify factors that might influence your proposed change.
Summarize factors influencing organizational readiness for your proposed change.
Identify the theoretical model that relates to your proposed change.
Identify internal and external resources available to support your change initiative.
Use the University Library to conduct a search for current peer-reviewed literature that provides data to support your change application.
Format your plan according to APA guidelines.
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HCS 587 WEEK 5 Organizational Change Plan Part II
Organizational Change Plan Resource: Organizational Change Plan Grading Criteria
Develop Part II of a comprehensive plan to implement an organization change. Part II of your organizational change plan focuses on strategies for implementing the proposed change.
Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word plan with the following:
Describe the methods that will be used to monitor implementation of your proposed change.
Examine the relationship between the organizations related processes, systems, and personal or professional roles and their effect on your proposed organizational change.
Identify communication techniques that will be used to address any implementation issues that may arise.
Format the plan according to APA guidelines.
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HCS 587 WEEK 6 Organizational Change Plan Part III
Organizational Change Plan Resources: Organizational Change Plan Grading Criteria
Develop Part III of a comprehensive plan to implement an organizational change. Part III of your organizational change plan focuses on strategies for evaluating the proposed change.
Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word plan with the following:
Add a summary of previous work from other parts.
Describe how the effectiveness of your organizational change will be determined once it is implemented.
Analyze possible outcome measurement strategies related to organizational change processes.
Determine how you will measure quality cost and satisfaction outcomes to evaluate your proposed organizational change.
Use at least 4 peer-reviewed articles to support your conclusions.
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Essay on Organizational Change Part I
Organizational Change Plan Part 1
HCS 587
Organizational Change Plan Part 1
Organizational change is difficult, although necessary to support growth and excellence in the market place. The concept of change can have negative connotations among employees, especially if change implementations have not been successful in the past. This paper is going to describe the need for change, barriers to change, factors that might influence change, readiness for change, the theoretical change model that relates to the change, and resources that support change implementation.
The Need for Change
The health care system in western Oregon has identified the need to implement Language of Caring to support improvements in patient experience of care
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Appropriate communication to staff may decrease the fear and anxiety staff may have about the unknowns anticipated with the change implementation. Management should address the personal reasons staff have to resist change, such as the disruption of their routine workflows, or loss of security (Rosenberg & Mosca, 2011). The single most critical factor that may influence the proposed change are the people involved with the change implementation. If the staff are not engaged and do not support the change effort, the implementation will not be successful.
Readiness to Change Readiness to change can be explained as the opposite of resistance to change. Readiness to change would include an organizational awareness of the staffs beliefs, and attitudes regarding the change implementation. Readiness, which is similar to Lewins (1951) concept of unfreezing, is reflected in organizational members beliefs, attitudes, and intentions regarding the extent to which changes are needed and the organizations capacity to successfully make those changes (Armenakis, Harris, & Mossholder, 1993, p. 1). Readiness to change would require an understanding by staff of what is being changed, how the changes will be implemented, and the ability to connect that understanding with something they care about.
Theoretical Model Related to the Change The theoretical model that relates to the proposed change of implementing the Language of Caring, is Lewins model
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