Paradigm Constraints

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

Review the case studies for the week and select one for this Assignment.

For this Assignment, prepare the first draft of a systems diagram, identifying the primary system archetypes that the case describes. Identify the key paradigm-based constraints that prevent subjects in the case study from seeing other options.

For the case you selected, complete the following:

  • Develop robust systems diagrams that capture the system behaviors and outcomes for your client’s organization. Include a 5-Why effect-cause-effect analysis, and a causal loop diagram (CLD) that identifies appropriate system constraints and delays and that also identifies the key system archetypes described in the case. (1 page for the 5-Whys diagram, 1 page for the full CLD).
  • Write a persuasive, detailed, prioritized description of your findings and make specific recommendations that integrates the analyses you have performed. (1-2 pages, single-spaced)
  • Describe the lessons you learned from the case study and explain how you might apply them in the future.

Case Studies:

Deshpande, R., Grossman, A. S., & Johnson, R. (2011). The American Repertory Theater [Case study]. HBS Case 9-512-026. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from

Grossman, A., & Greckol-Herlich, N. (2011). Year up: A social entrepreneur builds high performance [Case study]. HBS Case 9-308-032. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from

Klassen, R. D., Leitch, K., & Hora, M. (2010). Paediatric Orthopaedic Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario [Case study]. HBS Case 908D01. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from

Rubin, J. R., & Carmichael, B. (2008). UPS and corporate sustainability: Proactively managing risk [Case study]. Darden Case UV0938. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Business Publishing. Retrieved from

Wells, L. T. (2010). Japan: The miracle years [Case study]. HBS Case 9-702-014. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from

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