Park University Anti Vietnam War Protests Discussion & Responses

Park University Anti Vietnam War Protests Discussion & Responses Park University Anti Vietnam War Protests Discussion & Responses ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS I’m stuck on a Social Science question and need an explanation. classmate 1 Based on the Functionalist perspective on deviance, explain how the anti-Vietnam War protests served both “negative” and “positive” functions in American society. According to Durkheim, he suggested that deviance can bring positive change. Even though the anti-Vietnam War protests were a deviance in society, they brought on a social change. The protests brought attention to the involvement the United States had in Vietnam. There were also negative effects of the anti-war protests. There was violence among protestors from police and a bomb was placed in the office of the Army Math Research Center that killed one graduate student. The bomb was placed by anti-war protestors. Discuss and distinguish each of the five types of “adaptation” proposed by Merton in Chapter 7. Which adaptation type best explains the actions of anti-Vietnam War protestors? Conformity is the acceptance of goals and accepting social norms to attain those goals. Innovation is the acceptance of goals, but may not include the normal methods of reaching them. Ritualism is the rejection of cultural goals, but they may still follow the social norms to achieve those goals. Retreatism is the rejection of both goals and the means to reach those goals. Rebellion rejects the accepted goals and they actively replace them with new goals and means. The best adaptation to explain the anti-Vietnam War protestors would be rebellion because they were wanting to change the social structure by advocating for the war to be put to an end and for future wars to be stopped. References Donovan, B. (2016). Respectability on Trial?: Sex Crimes in New York City, 1900-1918. SUNY Press. classmate 2 Based on the Functionalist perspective on deviance, explain how the anti-Vietnam War protests served both “negative” and “positive” functions in American society. The negative functions of the Vietnam war were that it led to a lot of deaths among the people of Vietnam and the United States of America. It also resulted in adverse psychological effects on the people because of the mental torture that the people went through. Most of the countries’ infrastructure got destroyed, and that affected the economy of the involved countries. The positive function of the Vietnam war was that it led to the signing of an agreement that restored peace in North Vietnam and the United States of America. In Chapter 6, what are Durkheim’s main claims about deviant behavior and in what ways do the anti-Vietnam War protests appropriately support these claims? Durkheim considered deviance to be not only normal, but an important and necessary aspect. The main purpose was to contribute to society’s social order. He believed that deviance is so critical that the minute people stop engaging in it, acts that are now considered acceptable, as deviant would have to be redefine (Adler, 2016, p. 73). Anti-Vietnam War protest promoted social change. These protesters encouraged the dominant society to consider alternative norms and values.Park University Anti Vietnam War Protests Discussion & Responses Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (2016). Constructions of deviance: social power, context, and interaction . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. MY POST NEED RESPONSE FOR RICHARD QUESTION In Chapter 6, what are Durkheim’s main claims about deviant behavior and in what ways do the anti-Vietnam War protests appropriately support these claims? Durkheim considered deviance to be not only normal, but also an important and necessary aspect, which main purpose is to contribute to society’s social order. He also believed that deviance is so critical that the minute people stop engaging in it, acts that are now considered acceptable, as deviant would have to be redefine (Adler, 2016, p. 73). Some of the ways in which the anti-Vietnam War protest appropriately support these claim is by promoting social change. The deviant acts of these protesters encouraged the dominant society to consider alternative norms and values. Although these acts were motivated by good instincts In 1955 Rosa Park’s deviant act led to the U.S. Supreme. A more current example is today’s Black Lives Matter movement and their fight against racism. Determine and discuss 1 strength and 1 weakness of Merton’s strain theory, and apply strain theory to an example of public protest in a non-Western culture. The idea of strain theory is that social strains only lead to crime and deviance when not everyone that wants conventional success is able to obtain it. The problem is that Morton’s theory is based on the belief that an individuals position in social structure have the power to influence its experience with deviance and conformity which often leaves the working classes at fault for most of the crimes being reported since they are most likely to fit the place, time, ethnicity, clothing and manner stereotypes. A great example of a public protest is the Honk Kong anti-government protest against plans to allow extradition to mainland China. Hundreds of thousands of people took over the streets of Honk Kong and after several weeks of protests, leader Carrie Lam announced the bill would be suspended indefinitely. This was still not enough and violence became more frequent until the bill was finally completely withdrawn. References Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (2016). Constructions of deviance: social power, context, and interaction . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Question by richard answer: ,How do you think that Merton would address white collar offenders such as Dennis Kozlowski? If a person has already achieved the American dream, they shouldn’t need to innovate to engage in crime. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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