Passaic County College Socrates Criticism of Athenian Institution Discussion

Passaic County College Socrates Criticism of Athenian Institution Discussion Passaic County College Socrates Criticism of Athenian Institution Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Descartes opens his Meditations by describing a crisis of doubt, philosophy homework help I attached the grading rubic to the bottom of the instructions below to show how this assignment will be graded. Thanks!Descartes opens his Meditations by describing a crisis of doubt brought on by the radical changes in scientific and religious ideas in the 17th century. He says, “Some years ago I was struck by how many false things I had believed,” and he sets out to find a way to overcome his doubts and to find certainty. His response might seem extreme. In order to find certainty, he attempted to doubt everything and rebuild his beliefs from scratch using pure reason. In this journal, you will reflect on this extreme response and try to understand what would compel someone to rethink their entire belief system. In two to three pages, describe a time when you felt compelled to rethink everything you believed, and then, describe how you were able to rebuild your beliefs from scratch. If you have never experienced such a time, then describe what it would take for you to feel the need to rethink everything, and then, describe how you would be able to rebuild your beliefs from scratch. Either way, be sure to discuss the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding your beliefs. For example, you might consider discussing questions such as: “Is reason enough to build a satisfactory belief system or do you need something more than reason alone? Are you able to achieve certainty, or, instead, must you learn to live without certainty?”Describes a Time When it Might be Necessary to Rethink Personal Beliefs and How Those Beliefs Might be Rebuilt From ScratchTotal: 3.00 Distinguished – Comprehensively describes a time when it might be necessary to rethink personal beliefs and how those beliefs might be rebuilt from scratch. Passaic County College Socrates Criticism of Athenian Institution Discussion Proficient – Describes a time when it might be necessary to rethink personal beliefs and how those beliefs might be rebuilt from scratch; minor details are missing. Basic – Minimally describes a time when it might be necessary to rethink personal beliefs and how those beliefs might be rebuilt from scratch; relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Attempts to describe a time when it might be necessary to rethink personal beliefs and how those beliefs might be rebuilt from scratch; however, significant details are missing. Non-Performance – Does not attempt to describe a time when it might be necessary to rethink personal beliefs and how those beliefs might be rebuilt from scratch. Discusses the Role of Reason and Certainty in Rebuilding BeliefsTotal: 6.00 Distinguished – Comprehensively discusses the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding beliefs. Proficient – Discusses the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding beliefs; minor details are missing. Basic – Minimally discusses the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding beliefs; relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Attempts to discuss the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding beliefs; however, significant details are missing. Non-Performance – Does not attempt to discuss the role of reason and certainty in rebuilding beliefs. Written Communication: Control of Syntax and MechanicsTotal: 0.50 Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand. Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader. Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: Page RequirementTotal: 0.50 Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. Proficient – The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. Basic – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of correctly formatted pages. Below Expectations – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of correctly formatted pages. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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