Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion

Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Home > Humanities > Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion School Passaic County Community College Question Description I don’t know how to handle this Philosophy question and need guidance. it can be answered question by question, or essay format. theses no other materials to work on to work on this assignment. Unformatted Attachment Preview Answer each part of the following completely, clearly, and accurately. Forty points each Essay What is Socrates’ approach to doing philosophy as portrayed in the Apology? Explain the Socratic project. How doe Socrates think he is wise? What is Thrasymachus’ view of justice and how is his view reflective of ethical relativism? Explain the view of ethical relativism and why it is a threat to Socrates’ approach to philosophy. What is Plato’s approach to philosophy (as contrasted to the approach of Socrates)? What is metaphysics and why does Socrates say he does not do metaphysics in the Apology? Present Plato’s image of the divided line and explain the nature of each type of reality in Plato’s system. What is the difference between the levels of Being and Becoming? Why is one level higher in terms of truth and goodness? Explain Plato’s dualistic view of human nature. What does Plato think is the ultimate wisdom and how is that different from that of Socrates? What is the ultimate Good Life for human beings, according to Plato? Finally, what is your view of the Good Life? Who would you agree with more, Socrates or Plato? Explain your answers. Passaic County Community College How Does Socrates Think He Is Wise Discussion Essay Why does Socrates propose in Book 2 of the Republic to first show the audience the nature of justice in the city and then in the individual soul? Make sure you use a quote from book 2 to demonstrate your answer. What is Plato’s view of how a city or polis starts? How is it based in real need and not artificial needs? Why do people want a luxurious city? What part of our soul motivates us to want luxury and why does such a city end up having wars? Give a quote from book 2 that demonstrates this point. What are the three classes of the ideal city and what is the special job or techne of each class? What is the myth of the metals and how is it a kind of propaganda for the ideal city? Why does Plato think it is acceptable to lie to the people in this way? What do you think? Is it ever acceptable to lie to the people in a society? Give an example from history or our society to support your answer. Finally, Adeimantus in the beginning of book 4 points out that people will object that the rulers and soldiers o the city will not be “very happy” (419a). What is Plato’s response to this objection and how does his response show his main concerns in political philosophy? Explain your answers. … Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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