Patient Care

Patient Care
Patient Care
CO1: Propose individualized comprehensive care by integrating theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines when planning comprehensive patient-centered care. (PO1)
CO8: Discuss the role of evidence-based practice in the provision of professional nursing care. (PO8)
Select a challenging nursing care issue (examples include falls, medication errors, pressure ulcers, and other clinical issues that can be improved by evidence in nursing). Do not select a medical issue (disease, medical treatment). Do not select a workforce issue (staffing, call-offs, nurse to patient ratios). Explain the following for the selected clinical issue.
State the issue.
Explain the process you would use to search CINAHL for evidence. Include your search terms.
Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2018). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 5 lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication.
Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th edition). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
What Is the Importance of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice?
On the 10th of December, 2018,
Patients are cared for by registered nurses (RNs) who use validated therapies.
Nurses study about evidence-based practice (EBP) in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, which helps them highlight treatment options that can improve their patients.
EBP has become a critical component of excellent patient care in recent decades.
In nursing, what is EBP?
In nursing, evidence-based practice (EBP) is the combination of research findings, clinical experience, and a patient’s preferences.
Nurses are encouraged to deliver tailored patient care using this problem-solving approach to clinical practice.
What Is the Role of EBP in Nursing?
EBP assists nurses in determining the best course of action for providing care.
The five steps of EBP are as follows:
To identify an issue, form a clinical question.
Collect the most convincing evidence.
Examine the proof.
Apply what you’ve learned in the lab to your clinical practice.
Examine the outcome.
What Kinds Of Studies Are Used in EBP?
There are four types of research used in EBP.
They are as follows:
Trials that are randomized and controlled.
Evidence from cohort studies, case-control studies, or observational studies.
Clinical expert opinions that are backed up by experiences, studies, or committee reports.
My own personal experience
The four categories above are arranged in descending order of most trustworthy to least trustworthy.
What Are the Benefits of EBP for Nurses and Patients?
EBP in nursing provides nurses with the scientific evidence they need to make well-informed decisions.
Nurses can use EBP to stay up to date on new medical procedures for patient care.
Nurses can improve their patients’ chances of recovery by looking for documented therapies that match their patients’ profiles.
EBP allows nurses to assess studies in order to better understand the hazards and efficacy of diagnostic tests and treatments.
Nurses can now include patients in their care plans thanks to the use of EBP.
Patients can express their worries, share their values and preferences, and offer ideas on how they wish to continue, allowing them to take an active role in their own treatment.
What Benefits Does EBP Have for Healthcare Organizations?
Better patient outcomes result from the use of EBP, which can reduce the demand for healthcare resources.
As a result, healthcare companies can save money.
For example, supplies, equipment, or items that are no longer required for certain operations or techniques may have been included in outmoded practices.

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Patient Care

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Patient Care

Patient Care

CO1: Propose individualized comprehensive care by integrating theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines when planning comprehensive patient-centered care. (PO1)

CO8: Discuss the role of evidence-based practice in the provision of professional nursing care. (PO8)

Select a challenging nursing care issue (examples include falls, medication errors, pressure ulcers, and other clinical issues that can be improved by evidence in nursing). Do not select a medical issue (disease, medical treatment). Do not select a workforce issue (staffing, call-offs, nurse to patient ratios). Explain the following for the selected clinical issue.

State the issue.

Explain the process you would use to search CINAHL for evidence. Include your search terms.


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2018). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 5 lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication.

Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th edition). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

What Is the Importance of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice?


On the 10th of December, 2018,


Patients are cared for by registered nurses (RNs) who use validated therapies. 
Nurses study about evidence-based practice (EBP) in Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, which helps them highlight treatment options that can improve their patients. 
EBP has become critical component of excellent patient care in recent decades.


In nursing, what is EBP?


In nursing, evidence-based practice (EBP) is the combination of research findings, clinical experience, and patient’s preferences. 
Nurses are encouraged to deliver tailored patient care using this problem-solving approach to clinical practice.


What Is the Role of EBP in Nursing?


EBP assists nurses in determining the best course of action for providing care. 
The five steps of EBP are as follows:


To identify an issue, form clinical question.


Collect the most convincing evidence.


Examine the proof.


Apply what you’ve learned in the lab to your clinical practice.


Examine the outcome.


What Kinds Of Studies Are Used in EBP?


There are four types of research used in EBP. 
They are as follows:


Trials that are randomized and controlled.


Evidence from cohort studies, case-control studies, or observational studies.


Clinical expert opinions that are backed up by experiences, studies, or committee reports.


My own personal experience


The four categories above are arranged in descending order of most trustworthy to least trustworthy.


What Are the Benefits of EBP for Nurses and Patients?


EBP in nursing provides nurses with the scientific evidence they need to make well-informed decisions. 
Nurses can use EBP to stay up to date on new medical procedures for patient care. 
Nurses can improve their patients’ chances of recovery by looking for documented therapies that match their patients’ profiles.


EBP allows nurses to assess studies in order to better understand the hazards and efficacy of diagnostic tests and treatments. 
Nurses can now include patients in their care plans thanks to the use of EBP. 
Patients can express their worries, share their values and preferences, and offer ideas on how they wish to continue, allowing them to take an active role in their own treatment.


What Benefits Does EBP Have for Healthcare Organizations?


Better patient outcomes result from the use of EBP, which can reduce the demand for healthcare resources. 
As result, healthcare companies can save money. 
For example, supplies, equipment, or items that are no longer required for certain operations or techniques may have been included in outmoded practices.
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