PCN 605 Topic 2 Discussion Questions

PCN 605 Topic 2 Discussion Questions PCN 605 Topic 2 Discussion Questions Permalink: https://nursingpaperessays.com/ pcn-605-topic-2-…ussion-questions / DQ 1 The DSM is organized by combining disorders of the same category. What are the symptomatic similarities that necessitate the clustering of these disorders? Select one class of disorders (depressive, anxiety, dissociative, etc.) and discuss. Topic 2 DQ 2 As a diagnostic tool, the DSM includes diagnostic criteria for mental disorders. In addition, it includes information such as prevalence, risks, prognoses, gender-related issues, and cultural considerations for these disorders. What role might this information play in diagnosis and treatment ? PCN 605 Topic 2 Assignment Determining a Diagnosis Details: Review the diagnostic criteria on pages 99-100; 160-161; 561-562 of the DSM-5. A counselor’s own perception of psychopathology is extremely important in the diagnostic process. Using the case study of “Tina”, write a 500-750 word essay in which you examine your thought process about her presenting issues. Include the following in your paper: Discuss the historic and cross-cultural perspectives of psychopathology that could potential impact the diagnosis and treatment of Tina. After reviewing the several diagnoses that could pertain to Tina from the latest version of the DSM, what is your diagnostic impression? Substantiate your diagnostic impression with appropriate criteria from the current version of the DSM. Discuss how historic misconceptions of psychopathology could potentially impact the treatment of this client. As part of this discussion, you may include a diagnosis, any referrals that you would make, and a general course of treatment. Include at least five scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. PCN-605-RS-T2CaseStudyTina.docx Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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