Penetration report

I don’t know how to handle this Statistics question and need guidance.

Directions: For this assignment, conduct some research on penetration testing report and contracts. Look for reports that include findings, analysis, and recommendations that can be deployed to mitigate issues. Review the sample penetration testing reports below:

Once you have completed your research, develop your own penetration test report and sample contract for a fictitious company. Your submission should be three to five pages in length and should include:

  • Penetration Testing Contract – Develop a penetration testing contract that includes the following information that is required to conduct the penetration test:
    • Tools
    • Systems
    • Procedures
    • Timeframes
    • Permission signatures
  • Penetration Test Report – Develop a report that includes the:
    • Findings
    • Analysis
    • Recommendations that can be deployed to mitigate the issues
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