Personal Class Design Project Part 2 Paper

Personal Class Design Project Part 2 Paper Personal Class Design Project Part 2 Paper Personal Class Design Project: Part 2 Using the “Personal Class Design Project – Part 1” assignment you began in NUR-647E, you will complete the course design to include learner objectives, outline, teaching strategies, and associated evaluation, and method. Using Part I, write and revise the original learner objectives submitted. Use the A-B-C-D method of writing objectives. The objectives should incorporate Bloom’s taxonomy, be written at the appropriate level for the audience, and include at least two learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). Refer to “NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: A-B-C-D Approach to Objective Writing” and “NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: Learning Domains.” ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Map out a class time frame, outlining when to cover each of the content areas. Refer to “NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: Lesson Plan Template.” In addition to the content area, include the class time frame: 1.Time frame for covering each topic area 2.Teaching strategy for each objective 3.How the learning will be evaluated Include rationale for each selected instruction and the evaluation method used. Support your rationale by citing at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (less than 5 years old) in addition to the course materials. There is no predetermined length for this assignment. It is intended that each student will develop a class that can be utilized in the student’s selected area of education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Nursing Education Seminar II: Learning Domains While objectives level the information to be learned, domains of learning represent the areas in which one learns. The three learning domains are cognitive, which represents intellectual knowledge; psychomotor, which represents knowledge that requires kinesthetic or hands-on application; and affective, which represents knowledge that is assimilated through a change in attitude. When a student learns the physiology of the infectious process, it is cognitive knowledge. Psychomotor learning is exemplified when a student learns to change a dressing over an infected wound. Affective learning is demonstrated by a student who changes lifestyle habits to decrease the transmission of infection or a student who learns to be nonjudgmental toward patients with specific infections. Since objectives must be measurable, words like know and understand are not suitable objective verbs. Requiring a student to describe the pathophysiologic process and list the signs and symptoms of an infection are examples of measurable objectives. Clear and well-written objectives best communicate the educational focus and intent of the instruction and inform both student and instructor as to how knowledge will be evaluated. Nursing Education Seminar II: Lesson Plan Template Use this template to map out your class time frame. Each topic should have its own template. You can duplicate and use as many pages as you need to outline your class content. Topic: (Use Part 1 topic) Learner Objective Timeframe Teaching Strategy Evaluation Method Please use the same way that Part 1 was done but Part 2 has a little bit different instructions. Use the A-B-C-D method of writing objectives. The objectives should incorporate Bloom’s taxonomy, be written at the appropriate level for the audience, and include at least two learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). Map out a class time frame, outlining when to cover each of the content areas. Refer to “NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: Lesson Plan Template.” (Instructions are in this document right above). ***** In addition to the content area, include the class time frame: 1.Time frame for covering each topic area 2.Teaching strategy for each objective 3.How the learning will be evaluated Include rationale for each selected instruction and the evaluation method used. Must use 3 scholarly articles that are 5 years or less old. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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