Persuasive Essay – Why women do not belong in combat jobs

Persuasive Essay – Why women do not belong in combat jobs ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Persuasive Essay – Why women do not belong in combat jobs Below is the assignment lay out. Please use a 5-7 paragraph format. I have attached multiple resources and ideas that I already have for you to use as well. Please use all resources attached and cite in APA… this is required! Persuasive Essay – Why women do not belong in combat jobs I. Introduction This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your argument. Introduction Paragraph: What is the topic of your essay? How do you plan to grab your reader’s attention at the beginning of your essay? Introduction Paragraph: What is your thesis statement? II. Body The body is your opportunity to describe the support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand. Supporting Paragraph 1: What is the first main point or reason of your paper? Supporting Paragraph 1: What evidence have you found that supports your point? Supporting Paragraph 1: Explain how this evidence supports your point. Supporting Paragraph 2: What is the second main point or reason of your paper? Supporting Paragraph 2: What evidence have you found that supports your point? Supporting Paragraph 2: Explain how this evidence supports your point. Supporting Paragraph 3: What is the third main point or reason of your paper? Supporting Paragraph 3: What evidence have you found that supports your point? Supporting Paragraph 3: Explain how this evidence supports your point. Supporting Paragraph 4: What is the first counterargument you will respond to? Supporting Paragraph 4: How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above? III. Conclusion Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you. Conclusion Paragraph: What were the most important points you made in the responses above? Conclusion Paragraph: Reiterate your thesis statement. Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph. .pdf .pdf source_for_women_in_combat.pdf hc7_1_9061_9877.pdf .docx hc7_1_9061_9877.pdf .docx .pdf .pdf source_for_women_in_combat.pdf source_for_women_in_combat.pdf hc7_1_9061_9877.pdf .docx .pdf .pdf I would like to discuss and write about why females should not be allowed to fill combat roles in the United States Armed Forces. After lengthy discussions with fellow members serving in combat roles from special operations to artillery and through thorough research from sources provided by the EBSCO database, I feel that while women have their place in our military, direct combat roles are not suitable. 1) Women are physiologically not as capable of handling the rigors of combat. During a study within the Marines studying all male combat units compared to coed units; the all-male units outperformed the coed units on 93 of 134 tasks or about 69%. Males were also able to out shoot their female counter parts as well. These tasks are by and large what our military relies on. While being physical isn’t always a necessity it’s better to have the advantage of being physical on the battlefield, especially when the person next to you depends on you to be at your best for their sake as well. 2) Having females in combat units will affect unit cohesion. This is saying that even if women are able to pass the physical standards to make it into a combat MOS/AFSC (job) that morale and the brotherhood of the unit would be effected by the female’s presence. Militaries throughout history have relied on the brotherhood formed from male units. No military in history has been able to overcome this and it is a necessity to have that brotherhood in times of war. This also means taking sexual assaults into consideration as this has been a continued problem within the Armed Forces. Having females potentially come between this brother hood that’s formed can have grave consequences to the unit and ultimately to the mission. 3) Political Correctness should not have a place in the Military. As an active duty enlisted person, we have a duty to our country. This means completing the mission no matter the cost. Females would be looked at as potential targets and enemies do not care about political correctness. Furthermore, if a female were to get pregnant the female would be considered non deployable, and if she was already in theatre she would be sent home at great cost to the unit. I hope to speak to everyone from age 16 – 99 and that can vote or speak to their congressman. I feel that the political correctness of our time is going to be the hardest to overcome. I hope that by using solid statistical facts and first-hand accounts I can overcome this. I hope to persuade my audience to see that women do not need to be in combat positions. In order for it to be a successful essay I would hope to provide the reader with firsthand accounts and leave them thinking with a different perspective than what they started with. Physicality of women in combat – Firsthand accounts as well as studies conducted by the Marine Corps, Army and other DoD components. Unit Cohesion – statistical evidence provided by US Government as well as articles from credible sources provided in the SNHU Library. Political Correctness – First Hand accounts will be extremely useful as well as studies provided by universities and other governments who have allowed women in to combat for years. I believe having solid statistical facts coupled with strong first-hand accounts from sources who are currently serving in combat units as well as those who served in combat units will be an important part for all of my talking points. It will bring strong credibility to have statistics backed with first-hand accounts. I think adding in articles from the SNHU library as well as other forms of statistics pulled from DoD studies will make points rock solid. Persuasive Essay – Why women do not belong in combat jobs Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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