PHI 2604 Miami Dade College Medical Treatment and Health Disparities Discussion

PHI 2604 Miami Dade College Medical Treatment and Health Disparities Discussion PHI 2604 Miami Dade College Medical Treatment and Health Disparities Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Utilitarianism Is the Greatest Good for the Greatest Numbers Always Good? MLA style is not mandatory. Sources are not required. Opinion based. Extremely short responses is all that is required.1) On its surface, the theory of utilitarianism seems like the logical choice for society. It states, your ethical decision should be the one that causes the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people. What’s wrong with this notion? Why isn’t the theory realistic? Give an example as to why the theory is broken?Example: There is a fire that is consuming two buildings, one is an orphanage housing two hundred children, and the other is my house? In my house is a family member that I care for deeply. Utilitarianism says that, the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. Therefore, I should try to save the orphanage. PHI 2604 Miami Dade College Medical Treatment and Health Disparities Discussion This is not realistic; I will always try and save the life of my family member. This theory is now broken.2) Are people born evil, or is evil something learned? How is it that two siblings, growing up with the same set of parents, with the same set of moral boundaries, that one could go off to become a successful member of society, and the other a hardened criminal?3) In Nazi Germany (1933-1945), Jews were persecuted simply because they were Jewish, and eventually put to death in gas chambers, or shot, or burned in locked houses. Their bodies were made useful to the Nazis. Their hair was shaved for use in padding and their bodies were turned into soap. This is clearly wrong, even though it was legal in Nazi Germany at that time. Were the people killing Jews “evil”? What ethics were at play here?4) What is our moral justification when we attempt to justify immoral acts by stating, “I was just doing my job” or “I was just following orders,” when we know the actions we are engaged in are simply wrong?Post your thoughts and comments to all the above questions. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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