PHIL 102 Week 9 Temporal Modification Theories & Eternalism Discussion

PHIL 102 Week 9 Temporal Modification Theories & Eternalism Discussion PHIL 102 Week 9 Temporal Modification Theories & Eternalism Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Help me study for my Philosophy class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. PHIL 2 Puzzles and Paradoxes Fall 2020 Week 9 Quiz Explain what eternalism is. Why do some accept this view? Do you think it is plausible? Support your opinion with reasons. discussion Hinchcliff’s argument gets off the ground with four assumptions he says are necessary for change.PHIL 102 Week 9 Temporal Modification Theories & Eternalism Discussion (1) The candle persists through the change. It existed when it was straight, and it exists now when it is bent. The change in shape alters the candle but does not destroy it. (2) Shapes are properties not relations. They are one-placed, not many-placed. A single thing cannot be taller than X because being taller than X is a two-place relation, but a single thing can be straight because being straight is not a relation but a property. (3) The candle itself has the shapes. Not just a part but the candle itself was straight, and not just a part but the candle itself is bent. If the candle itself were not bent or had not been straight, then the candle would not have changed its shape. (4) The shapes are incompatible. If the shapes were compatible, there need not have been a change. Change requires incompatible properties. Are these assumptions necessary for change? If you think they are, give reasons why. If you think they are not, state which of the assumptions you find implausible and give reasons why.… account zhanruil password Meiqi19970831 This week sources below week9 module Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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