PHIL 1301 HCCS Jacques Rousseau Notion on Perfectibility and Free Will Discussion

PHIL 1301 HCCS Jacques Rousseau Notion on Perfectibility and Free Will Discussion PHIL 1301 HCCS Jacques Rousseau Notion on Perfectibility and Free Will Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS I need help with a Philosophy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. In his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau uses the traits of “perfectibility” and “free will” to help describe different aspects of human nature. What does Rousseau mean by perfectibility? How does Rousseau define free will? Does Rousseau think that perfectibility and free will are positive attributes for us to have, or does he think they are negative attributes (or a little bit of both)? Explain fully. Finally, explain whether you agree with Rousseau’s position or not. * In writing your paper, you must clearly articulate a central thesis that responds to the paper topic. Then, you must develop and execute that thesis. * Total paper length must be at least 2,500 total words in length (approximately six (6) to seven (7) double-spaced pages plus title page and works cited page). * You must insert the final “word count” on the bottom of the works cited page. * Your paper must be typed, double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch (1”) margins on all sides. * Your paper should include a title page at the beginning of the paper, as well as a separate works cited page located at the end of the paper. Your title page should be fully descriptive and include (at minimum) the paper title, course name, semester and year, instructor name, student name, and date.PHIL 1301 HCCS Jacques Rousseau Notion on Perfectibility and Free Will Discussion * Your works cited page should adhere to MLA Style. * Each page of your paper (except the title page) should include a page number located in either the upper or lower margin. Do not include a table of contents. * In writing your paper, you must use and properly cite any relevant primary course text(s), as well as at least two (2) additional outside sources . Your outside sources should be scholarly in nature (e.g., article from a peer-reviewed journal; not Wikipedia or SparkNotes). If you only use the minimum two (2) outside sources, both MUST be scholarly in nature. If you use more than two (2) outside sources, most (but not all) should be scholarly in nature. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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