PHIL 211 Dykaan College Platos Euthyphro Proceeds Between Socrates & Euthyphro Essay

PHIL 211 Dykaan College Platos Euthyphro Proceeds Between Socrates & Euthyphro Essay PHIL 211 Dykaan College Platos Euthyphro Proceeds Between Socrates & Euthyphro Essay ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Unformatted Attachment Preview PHIL 211 Paper Writing Guidelines from Syllabus Fall 2020 All papers for this course are interpretive. Students will be sent the prompts via email one week before the paper is due in the form of a quotation from one of the course texts. Students must respond to the prompt with a 1000-word (+/-10%) written statement that interprets the quotation by placing it in its proper context and saying precisely and plausibly what the author meant by it. Papers are due by 11:59 pm on the dates indicated on the course calendar below. Late papers will not be accepted without a formal excuse from the Office of the Dean of Students. Each paper must be formatted according to the requirements below and submitted electronically to (The login credentials for are 25421188 and Plato.) All papers must also be submitted to Livetext. Failure to submit to Livetext will be considered as part of the Preparation and Participation grade. Paper Grading Criteria Papers will be evaluated according to five criteria: 1) context and scope, 2) correctness, 3) clarity and organization, 4) concision, and 5) technical attention to formatting, length, and presentation, where each criterion is defined by the following questions: 1. Context/Scope: Does the submission address the prompt directly and in context? Is the scope appropriate for the assignment? 2. Correctness: Does the submission respond to the prompt correctly or plausibly? Does it avoid falsehoods? 3. Clarity/Organization: Is the writing clear (as opposed to vague, muddled, etc.)? Is it grammatical and well-organized? 4. Concision: Does the submission avoid extraneous material? Are words used efficiently? 5. Technical Attention: Is the submission the right length, format, etc.? Is the presentation appropriate? Is the paper documented? Essentially, these ask whether your submission is correct, clear, concise, in context, and according to the directions. Each of these five criteria is answered with a yes, no, or more or less, where a yes gets one point, a no costs one point, and a more or less doesn’t factor either way. Numerical totals for the writing under evaluation are calculated and translated into letter grades according to the following: 5=A 4 = A3 = B+ 2=B 1 = B- 0 = C+ 1 -5 = F -4 = D -3 = D+ -2 = C-1 = C Hints: Academic writing is best when it is simple, clear, and concise. Generally, prefer a narrower context and scope to a broader one wherever possible. (But note that inaccuracy may arise if these are too narrow.) As you edit, strive to convey the most meaning with the fewest words without sacrificing clarity and ease of reading. PHIL 211 Dykaan College Platos Euthyphro Proceeds Between Socrates & Euthyphro Essay Honesty All students at the University of Evansville agree to the University honor code: “I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid, nor will I tolerate an environment that condones the use of unauthorized aid.” To be clear, when it comes to preparing your papers, you may make use of any sources you wish, including print books and articles, online resources, each other, etc. Note, however, that any written work you submit must be your own. All sources should be appropriately paraphrased, except in specific cases where direct quotation is needed to preserve meaning. References and citations are required for both. Students who violate the honor code, which includes submitting the work of others as their own, will fail the course. 2 Paper Formatting Requirements [Author] [Course Number and Section] [Assignment Name] [Due Date] [Word Count] [Quotation] Double space the body of the text only, single space otherwise, using an 11 or 12 point, readable font, with one inch margins on all sides. Place page numbers on all pages, including the first. Place a header in the top left corner of the first page consisting of the following items single-spaced and each on a separate line: the author’s name, the course number and section, the name of the assignment, the due date, and a word count of the number of words that make up the document’s body, that is, the document excluding the header, target quotation, and references. Skip a blank line after the header and center the assigned quotation, single-spaced. Skip another blank line before you start the body. After the body, skip a blank line, place the word “References” (without the quote marks) on the left margin, skip another line and include a list of all sources used in preparing your manuscript. Normally, there should not be many. For interpretive papers, there is generally just one. Format the entries according to MLA or APA style, or any other style manual that you wish. Use inline citations in the body often, and keep them simple. Always include page numbers where possible. If only one work appears in your references, use only page numbers in your citations, e.g., (9). Print your paper, double-sided if you wish. Staple the document and submit it in class. Submit ecopies to both Turnitin and Livetext. [Page Number] 3 Name: ______________________________________ Paper Evaluation Form Grading Criteria No (-1) More or Less (0) Yes (+1) Context/Scope: Is the topic appropriate for the assignment? Is the scope appropriate for the topic? Correctness: Does the submission address the topic correctly or plausibly? Does it avoid falsehoods? Clarity/Organization: Is the writing clear (as opposed to vague, muddled, etc.)? Is it grammatical and well-organized? Concision: Does the submission avoid extraneous material? Are words used efficiently? Technical Attention: Is the submission the right length, format, etc.? Is the presentation appropriate? Is the paper documented? Final Number and Letter Grade | 5 = A | 4 = A- | 3 = B+ | 2 = B | 1 = B- | 0 = C+ | -1 = C | -2 = C- | -3 = D+ | -4 = D | -5 = F | Comments: 4 … Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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