PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion
PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion
PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Home > Humanities > PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion School Johnson & Wales University Question Description Im stuck on a Philosophy question and need an explanation. Topic for Analysis 2: For our second analysis, please choose two philosophers from Week 10: Wolff, Locke, or Mill and apply their philosophical argument to a modern-day issue or event. To do this, you will need to clearly articulate their premise and then explain why it is the best approach to a contemporary issue alternatively, you are welcome to explain how a contemporary political figure or organization embodies this philosophy. You must choose two who are on different sides of the debate. Clearly articulate the key premise and key supports of each and conclude with a critique paragraph that argues for the one or the other. Submission Requirements: This essay should be a minimum of three pages and should address the topic below. The primary texts in the chapter must be used and cited appropriately you must provide evidence for your argument. All quotations (lines from the texts) must be included grammatically in your own sentences and commented on specifically. Outside sources should not be used at any point in this essay. Remember to use our discussions as a starting point to frame your argument our discussions are specifically designed to allow you to do so. Please be sure to cite sources used both within your essay and as a separate works cited page. You must use MLA Style and Format. Remember that there are additional resources in the course to help you develop this essay: (How to) Write About Philosophy Unformatted Attachment Preview PHIL3015 Student Research Resources Looking for good resources? Try these websites and notice they are organized to complement the chapter and units we are studying: I. What Is Philosophy? ? ? ? ? ? ? Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( The Philosophy Pages (A Guide to Philosophy) ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( ( Philosophy around the Web ( Mission Critical (Critical Thinking Site) ( II. Philosophy of Religion ? ? ? ? Philosophy of Religion Info ( The Philosophers Magazine Online: The Teleological Argument ( The Philosophers Magazine Online: The Problem of Evil ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion ( III. Knowledge ? ? ? ? ? The Philosophers Magazine Online: Understanding Epistemology ( Epistemology ( Theory of Knowledge Info ( The Epistemology Research Guide ( Epistemology Links ( IV. Philosophy of Mind: The Mind-Body Problem ? ? ? ? Annotated Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind ( Socrates on the Immortality of the Soul ( David Chalmerss Website ( Guide to the Philosophy of Mind (List of Philosophy of Mind Entries in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) ( V. Freedom of the Will and Determinism ? ? ? ? ? The Determinism and Freedom Philosophy Website ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Free Will ( Online Papers on Free Will (List by David Chalmers) ( Metaphysics Links ( Agent Causation (Paper by Timothy OConnor) ( VI. Ethics ? ? ? ? The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Ethics ( Ethics Updates ( Moral Philosophy ( Applied Ethics Resources on WWW ( VII. Justice and Political Philosophy ? ? Political Philosophy Online Resources ( The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Political Philosophy ( VIII. What Is the Meaning of Life? PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Nature of Political Authority Discussion ? ? Philosophy Now Magazine (Article by Richard Taylor) ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Meaning of Life ( IX. Contemporary Moral Problems ? ? ? ? ? ? Abortion: All Sides of the Issue ( Abortion and Ethics ( Punishment and the Death Penalty ( Pew Research ( U.S. News & World Report ( The World Bank (,,c ontentMDK:20242512~menuPK:492152~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:430 367,00.html) Criteria (Weight) Content and Ideas 40% Organization 20% Vocabulary/ word choice 10% Voice 10% Does Not Meet Expectations Not Fully Developed Approaching Expectations 0% 50% 70% Writing is extremely limited in communicating knowledge, with no central theme. Writing is limited in communicatin g knowledge. Writing does not clearly communicate knowledge. The reader is left with questions. Writing is disorganized and underdeveloped with no transitions or closure. Writing is brief and underdevelope d with very weak transitions and closure. Writing is confused and loosely organized. Transitions are weak and closure is ineffective. Uses correct writing format. Incorporates a coherent closure. Writing includes a strong beginning, middle, and end, with some transitions and good closure. Writing includes a strong, beginning, middle, and end with clear transitions and a focused closure. Careless or inaccurate word choice, which obscures meaning. Language is trite, vague or flat. Shows some use of varied word choice. Uses a variety of word choice to make writing interesting. Purposeful use of word choice. Effective and engaging use of word choice. Writers voice/ point of view shows no sense of audience. Writers voice/ point of view shows little sense of audience. Writers voice/ point of view shows that sense of audience is vague. Writer uses voice/point of view. Writes with the understanding Writer has strong voice/ point of view. Writing engages the audience. Writes with a distinct, unique voice/point of view. Writing is skillfully Length is not adequate for development. Adequate Thorough Excellent 80% 90% 100% Writes related, quality paragraphs, with little or no details. Writing is purposeful and focused. Piece contains some details. Writing is confident and clearly focused. It holds the readers attention. Relevant details enrich writing. Criteria (Weight) Does Not Meet Expectations Not Fully Developed Approaching Expectations 0% 50% 70% Adequate Thorough Excellent 80% 90% 100% of a specific audience. Sentence fluency 10% Conventions 10% adapted to the audience. Frequent run-ons or fragments, with no variety in sentence structure. Many run-ons or fragments. Little variety in sentence structure. Some run-ons or fragments. Limited variety in sentence structure. Uses simple compound, and complex, sentences. Frequent and varied sentence structure. Consistent variety of sentence structure throughout. Parts of speech show lack of agreement. Frequent errors in mechanics. Little or no evidence of spelling strategies. Inconsistent agreement between parts of speech. Many errors in mechanics. Limited evidence of spelling strategies. Occasional errors between parts of speech. Some errors in mechanics. Some evidence of spelling strategies. Maintains agreement between parts of speech. Few errors in mechanics. Applies basic grade level spelling. Consistent agreement between parts of speech. Uses correct punctuation, capitalization, etc. Consistent use of spelling strategies. Uses consistent agreement between parts of speech. No errors in mechanics. Creative and effective use of spelling strategies. Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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