PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions

PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Home > Humanities > PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions School California State University Sacramento Question Description I’m working on a Philosophy question and need guidance to help me study. Assignment: On a lined sheet of paper, please HAND WRITE (not type) each question that you got wrong and then provide the correct answer for each question. Note: I do not need a “reason” why it is the correct answer. All I want is the correct answer. Please # your questions according to the number that you got wrong. For example, if the first number that you got wrong on the test was #24, then the first entry would be #24. On the upper right-hand side of the page please indicate, (use this fraction format please) : Number Wrong / Number Corrected & Your name should be on the upper-left hand side of the first page. ALL of the rest of the info about the assignment is on the first pdf. Thanks Unformatted Attachment Preview Philosophy 04: Critical Thinking RE: Midterm Extra Credit Assignment Due Date: Before the final class (12/11/20) Assignment Details: Go to your gradebook. Click on the Midterm Exam. This will allow you to view the examination and each of the questions that you got wrong (should be marked with an incorrect). Please Note: As I am still reviewing the exam, please do not begin this assignment until Tuesday 10/27 at the earliest. Assignment: On a lined sheet of paper, please HAND WRITE (not type) each question that you got wrong and then provide the correct answer for each question. Note: I do not need a “reason” why it is the correct answer. All I want is the correct answer. Please # your questions according to the number that you got wrong. For example, if the first number that you got wrong on the test was #24, then the first entry would be #24. On the upper right-hand side of the page please indicate: Number Wrong / Number Corrected (use this fraction format please) You name should be on the upper-left hand side of the first page. Please Note #2: Once my review is complete, there may questions that I determine were answered correctly (or close enough) that I give you credit for. PHIL 4 California State University Lexical and Symmetry Condition Questions These questions “may” remain marked incorrect after I have given you credit. Before typing out a question, please look at the “points received.” If I have decided to give you credit on a question, I will change the score received on that question from 0/2 to 2/2. DO NOT include on the extra credit assignment any question that I have given you credit for after my review is complete (end of day 10/26). For each question that you answer correctly on this extra credit assignment you will receive .75 points (I know that sounds weird, but it will dramatically improve everyone’s score on the exam). Please convert the handwritten document to a PDF (scan it, take a pic with your phone and then convert to pdf, etc.). Title the document as follows: Last Name_Mid Extra Credit Assignment Submit the PDF using the submission link located in the Module for Extra Credit Assignments (in the Assignments Module in CANVAS) before 11:59 PM on 12/11. … Purchase answer to see full attachment Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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