Physical Geography

I’m working on a Geography exercise and need support.

Chapter 1 (24 points total)

Part A

  1. Summarize the ways that the inner planets differ from the outer planets in our solar system. (2pts)
  2. What is the point on earth that has the highest elevation and what is the lowest? (2pts)
  3. What is the International Date Line? (1pt)
  4. Why do some areas practice daylight savings? (1pt)

Chapter 2

  1. Define GPS. (1pt)
  2. What is GIS, and then discuss how it is useful? (2pts)

Week 1 Part B (19pts)

For this part of the assignment you will be using the masteringgeography.comwebsite. Once you have access, you click on “study area” in the middle of the page. Then make sure you click on “Interactive Animations” on the left side of the page. In the “Interactive Animations” click on the “Earth-Sun Relations” animation. (Once the animation opens, students will need to click the “play” button for the animation to start.)

You can pause the animation at anytime to give you time to write down the answers, or you can replay it. (In the animation, you can also click on the “show text” option, which is found in the upper right corner of the animation box.)

Please type your answers for Part B of the assignment in the color blue!!! (Only the animation part of the assignment should be answered inblue.)

1 When the earth orbits around the sun, it completes 1 ____________________ each year.

2 When the _________________________, this is known as a rotation or one __________.

3 The earth is tilted on its axis _______________ degrees.

4 Explain what causes seasons.

5 The __________________________ is the dividing line between day and night.

6 Explain in everyday (non-academic) words what a solstice and equinox are.

Back on the animations web page, in Chapter 2 click on “Map Projections”.

1 What food does the animation compare to the earth? _______ Why?__________

2 All maps result in a _______________ of the earth.

3 Which area is sometimes incorrectly projected?

Watch the Map Projections Properties animations next.

Explain equivalent (equal area) map projections and conformal map projections.

A ___________________ projection attempt to preserve the size of a landmass and not have much distortion.

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