PJM380 (MOD5 Critical Thinking 10-15 Slide Presentation)

I’m working on a Management exercise and need support.



Option #1: Agile Project Management – Justification

Create an instructional primer as a guide to adopting Agile PM as the sanctioned practice for project management in your organization (or an organization of your choice). Using a screencasting tool such as Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.), Knovio (Links to an external site.), or Loom (Links to an external site.), combine the computer display with a webcam video.

Prepare a presentation containing 10-15 slides and include:

  • A description of the Agile PM
  • Rationale for adoption by your organization or the organization of your choice (organization benefits and competitive advantage)
  • Organizational consideration success
  • Strategy for successful deployment
  • Required information technologies.

Be sure to organize your presentation file properly and include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work with proper headings and subheadings matching the bullet items listed above
  • Conclusion
  • List of references.

Support your assignment with a minimum of three scholarly references. The CSU-Global library is a good place to locate these sources. The written section should follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).

Option #2: Agile Project Management – Methodology

Create an instructional primer as a guide to adopting Agile PM as the sanctioned practice for project management in your organization (or an organization of your choice). Using a screencasting tool such as Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.), Knovio (Links to an external site.), or Loom (Links to an external site.), combine the computer display with a webcam video.

Prepare a presentation containing 10-15 slides and include:

  • A description of the Agile PM
  • Rationale for adoption by your organization or the organization of your choice (organization benefits and competitive advantage)
  • A detailed description of how the scrum methodology can be adopted in the organization and the tools and techniques needed to be used
  • Example projects and applicable sprints.

Be sure to organize your presentation file properly and include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work with proper headings and subheadings matching the bullet items listed above
  • Conclusion
  • List of references.

Support your assignment with a minimum of three scholarly references. The CSU-Global library is a good place to locate these sources. The written section should follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).

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