please develop 1 page summery for the following chapters and 2 slides of powerpoint

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

1.Please provide summary with refernce

2.please develop 2 slides of powerpoint in related to the topic

You should use the Internet; electronic news agencies or journals to research a current event should be 1 to 3 years old. An analysis should be conducted on your researched current event (related to one or more CLO(s). Each student must create PowerPoint slide(s) using templates from the Writing Center and should include:

  • A summary of the event
  • A brief statement about the relationship of the current event to the CLO(s)
  • As a manager, how would apply what you have learned to an organization
  • Include an industry example demonstrating the application of your researched current event
  • You must label your slides as “Current Event to CLO”
  • Prepare and submit a 1-2 slide PowerPoint (don’t forget to include these slides in your final CLA2 PPT.)
  • The grade for this ALA (E) will be reflected in your final CLA2 PPT. grade. Part of the grade will be based on the timeliness of your submission; due this current week.

***All the additional materials will be provided***

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