please develop 200 to 300 words with apa style format and reference as well

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.


It has been estimated that the average person may be exposed to over 1,500 ad or brand communications per day. Keep a diary of all the significant ads, commercials, billboards, popups, and “spam” messages you receive in a three day period. Reflect on which ads you remember, which ones were successful in persuading you to take action to buy a product or service, and which ones had absolutely no effect on you and for what reasons. Discuss your impressions of the results of this exercise. Which communication method is most effective for you? Do you feel manipulated by the marketplace in making decisions about which products or services you use and why? All discussion responses including opinion must be supported with logical reasoning and deduction using examples and source material including the textbook and supplementary sources. All sources must be cited to justify your response in the text and matched in the reference list in APA style.

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