Policy making

IĀ’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

  • Chapter 3 of Birkland

Supplemental Readings:

  • Articles on national standards listed in the Current Event Section

Written Assignment:

  • Write 2 pages a response to discuss whether it is important or not important for a government to set national standards in pursuit of policy goals? Or should it even be necessary to have national standards? Please cite policy examples for your discussion and explanation. (Note: There are a couple of articles or links on the topic of national standards listed in the Current Event section for reference.) Cite at least 2 references related to the topic
  • Write 1 page-Many structural and historical factors influence the making of public policy and the environment in which public policy is made. Based on your readings and understanding, discuss and explain the influence and impact of federal system of the three branches and the status quo on policy making. (Please cite policy examples when possible).
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