Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion

Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Civic Engagement Speech Give me liberty or give me death! ” –Patrick Henry Imagine that you are in a dusty, crowded community center. Room 4A. People, more than you imagined, sit in those ubiquitous, collapsible seats. Many more stand back against the wall. Many, many individuals hold handbills you passed out regarding your public policy concern. Equally eager and nervous you stand in front of the lectern. “Now, you think…now I am ready…” You click on the microphone, examine your prepared speech about your public policy concern, and you begin to speak with eloquence and passion!SS 238 ASP Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Paper An important component of civic engagement is citizen recruitment to your public policy concern. One way to generate increased citizen recruitment is by using an effective, persuasive speech on your policy concern A persuasive speech is a type of speech when the speaker seeks to convince an audience based on a spoken argument. Persuasive speeches are composed of three components: an appeal to logic, an appeal to emotion, and an appeal to credibility. An appeal to logic is when you persuade an audience with reason. Example: “ Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. ” –Abraham LincolnPolicy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion An appeal to emotion is when you elicit an emotional response from the audience. Example: “ Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. ” –Franklin D. Roosevelt An appeal to credibility is when the speaker’s status or authority on the subject persuades the audience. Example: “ Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy. ” –Lloyd Bentsen Source: (Learning, n.d.) ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS The National Constitution Cente r compiled the ten greatest speeches in U.S. history. From Patrick Henry’s “ Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death ” speech to Martin Luther King Jr’s “ I have a Dream Speech ”. Newsweek , an American news magazine, has the video of Dr. King’s speech, while The New York Times has an excellent analysis of it. Compose a 400-word transcript of your public policy speech. Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields: Economic policy An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending. Education policy An example of education policy is the implementation of national education standards. Environmental policy An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act. Foreign policy An example of foreign policy is how we conduct trade with other countries. Healthcare policy An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Welfare policy An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Write a brief speech advocating for citizen involvement concerning a current public policy issue. Using public policy analysis – include the following: State the public policy concern. Discuss possible policy solutions. Include either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal. State your chosen, public policy solution. Include either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Correct grammar and syntax. APA format. School of General Education Assignment Rubrics SS238: Engagement- Civic and Citizen Driven Public Policy You will find a detailed description of all Assignments/Projects under each of the units in the course. Unit 2 Assignment Unit 2 Assignment: Shaping Public Policy Content: 80 Points 80 Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 2 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions:Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy. Provide a summary of this public policy. Explain how political factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Explain how social factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Explain how economic factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. The paper meets the length requirements. Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner?SS 238 ASP Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Paper Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 110 Points 110 Unit 4 Assignment Unit 4 Assignment: Public Policy, Policy Cycle, and Policy Theories Content: 80 Points 80 Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 4 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: Select two specific examples of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy, and analyze each example with either elite theory, group theory, and/or institutional theory. Why does your chosen, policy theory a better choice than the other two policy theories? How does your chosen, policy theory inform the policy cycle within your example? How does the general public and/or groups shape this public policy? Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the paper use a full sentence outline? Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner include the following components: A thesis statement. Full sentence outline. Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 6 Assignment Unit 6 Assignment: Public Policy Handbill Content: 80 Points 80 Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 6 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: State a detailed, public policy concern. State why this issue requires the attention of your fellow citizens with two, different reasons. State your detailed, proposed solution that includes regulation, management, education, taxing, market incentives, or other public policy solutions. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additionalPolicy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion academic sources. Does the handbill meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? Clearly written handbill with a body of evidence Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 8 Assignment Unit 8 Assignment: Civic Engagement Speech Content: 80 Points 80 Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 8 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy. Write a brief word speech advocating for citizen involvement concerning a current public policy issue. Does the speech state the public policy concern? Does the speech discuss possible policy solutions that also includes either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal. Does the speech state your chosen, public policy solution that also includes either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the paper meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner include the following components: Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 9 Assignment Unit 9 Assignment: Civic Interest Groups and the 1942-1968 Civil Rights Movement Content: 80 Points 80 Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 9 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: Does the paper select one of five interest groups that lead the Civil Right s Movement: The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and TheSS 238 ASP Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Paper Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Summarize the 1942-1968 Civil Rights movement? Summarize the chosen group’s participation within the Civil Rights movement? How did your group affect public policy change? Identify two strategies used by the group. Why were these strategies successful or unsuccessful? Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the paper meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 School of General Education Assignment Rubrics SS238: Engagement- Civic and Citizen Driven Public Policy You will find a detailed description of all Assignments/Projects under each of the units in the course. Unit 2 Assignment Unit 2 Assignment: Shaping Public Policy Content: 80 Points Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 2 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: 80 Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy. Provide a summary of this public policy. Explain how political factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Explain how social factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Explain how economic factors shape this public policy with at least one, specific referenced example. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. The paper meets the length requirements. Style: 15 Points Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? 15 Mechanics: 15 Points Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? 15 An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 110 Points 110 Unit 4 Assignment Unit 4 Assignment: Public Policy, Policy Cycle, and Policy Theories Content: 80 Points Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 4 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: 80 Select two specific examples of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy, and analyze each example with either elite theory, group theory, and/or institutional theory. Why does your chosen, policy theory a better choice than the other two policy theories? How does your chosen, policy theory inform the policy cycle within your example? How does the general public and/or groups shape this public policy? Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. SS 238 ASP Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Paper Does the paper use a full sentence outline? Style: 15 Points Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner include the following components: 15 A thesis statement. Full sentence outline. Mechanics: 15 Points Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? 15 An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 6 Assignment Unit 6 Assignment: Public Policy Handbill Content: 80 Points Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 6 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: 80 State a detailed, public policy concern. State why this issue requires the attention of your fellow citizens with two, different reasons. State your detailed, proposed solution that includes regulation, management, education, taxing, market incentives, or other public policy solutions. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the handbill meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? 15 Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? Clearly written handbill with a body of evidence Mechanics: 15 Points Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? 15 An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 8 Assignment Unit 8 Assignment: Civic Engagement Speech Content: 80 Points Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 8 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: 80 Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields: economic policy, education policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, healthcare policy, or welfare policy. Write a brief word speech advocating for citizen involvement concerning a current public policy issue. Does the speech state the public policy concern? Does the speech discuss possible policy solutions that also includes either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal.Policy of Bicycle Friendly State Program Discussion Does the speech state your chosen, public policy solution that also includes either a logical, emotional, and/or credibility appeal. Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the paper meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner include the following components: 15 Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? Mechanics: 15 Points 15 Does the writing show strong composition skills? An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 Unit 9 Assignment Unit 9 Assignment: Civic Interest Groups and the 1942-1968 Civil Rights Movement Content: 80 Points Does the learner demonstrate an understanding of unit learning outcomes and course material? The Unit 9 Assignment includes the following/answers the following questions: Does the paper select one of five interest groups that lead the Civil Right s Movement: The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Summarize the 1942-1968 Civil Rights movement? Summarize the chosen group’s participation within the Civil Rights movement? How did your group affect public policy change? 80 Identify two strategies used by the group. Why were these strategies successful or unsuccessful? Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources. Does the paper meet the length requirement? Style: 15 Points 15 Does the learner express his or her thoughts and present his or her own views in a reasoned manner? Does the learner demonstrate the ability to utilize concepts in personal and professional settings? An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement? Clearly written paragraphs with topic sentences, body of evidence, a conclusion sentence? A conclusion paragraph? Mechanics: 15 Points Does the writing show strong composition skills? Does the leaner include the following components? 15 An APA formatted paper that includes an APA reference page? Are the sentences complete? Is the grammar correct? Is the spelling and punctuation correct? Is APA used properly? Are there any typos? Total: 100 Points 110 … Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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