Powerpoint presentation

Iย’m studying for my Art & Design class and donย’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Analyze the painting and sculpture from the Classical and Medieval periods. Analyze each piece of art according to the Elements and Principles of Design, the 6 Functions of Art and the 3 Theories of Art Criticism. Create a slide presentation or you can create it on paper and turn it in, so you are including visuals and bulleted concise writing. Save it as a powerpoint or pdf. Cite your work!

Slides should be as follows:

  1. One slide of each as the original, mark the artist, name of work and date.
  2. 2nd slide of each –A shape analysis made- You can either cut out of paper the basic, main shapes used in the composition. Construction paper cut and pasted over a copy of the image copy and photographed or shapes created and pasted right over the image of the artwork using the computer. These shapes should correspond to repeated shapes, or implied shapes used in the artwork. Be sure you do not make random shapes! Include a written description of what types of shapes they are using. example: Guernicaexample.png.pdf
  3. 3rd slide-Painting OnlyA Value pattern analysis in black white and gray, cut out the basic, main shapes used in creating the composition or use a marker or create on computer. You are showing the overall value pattern of the whole artwork.How it leads the viewer around the work. example: ValuePatternEx.pdf
  4. Write an analysis of the painting and the sculpture according to all other Elements and Principles of Design, the 6 Functions of Art and the 3 Theories of Art Criticism that apply to that work in bulleted form.Be concise. Cite your work. Follow these directions.

Greco Roman statue of Aphrodite medieval painting by Duccio

Greco Roman sculpture of Aphrodite Accroupie, Medieval painting, The Last Supper, by Duccio

(Hellenistic Style)

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