Premise completion

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My Topic can be Cancer Diabeties, HIV, CVD etc

Part 1: Premise Completion

As noted in the Dissertation Premise Guide, the premise consists of four parts:

  • title
  • problem statement
  • approach (i.e. proposed methodology) for the study
  • references

The Dissertation Premise document is used in two ways:

  • To identify a preliminary topic (i.e., a research problem) for your dissertation. This topic should be the product of an initial investigation on your part but will be subject to change and refinement and will inform the development of your prospectus.
  • To help match the faculty members who will guide your development of the Dissertation Prospectus. This process varies across different programs, so please follow the guidance in your program of study.
  • For a sample premise and description of the premise, see the Premise Guide:
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