Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion

Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion Module 7: Conclusion, References and Formal Paper This Conclusion section should be about 2-3 pages and content should be separated with APA first and second level headings. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion. Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: 1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus. 2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully. 3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it. 4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling. Assignment: Submit a formal paper describing the Capstone project Your Formal Capstone Project submission must be professionally prepared and free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. The formatting protocol of the American Psychological Association is the approved format for Aspen University. For detailed guidance refer to the websites and resources referenced in the ProQuest Library. The specific length of the formal document may vary somewhat depending upon the topic selected, the use of tables, matrices, graphs, or other visual supplements. The following sections should be included: Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion Title page Abstract Introduction (Background, Significance, Justification) Purpose Literature review Method (as appropriate for your project— may include research design, procedures, evaluation methods, etc.) Discussion of findings Recommendations Conclusion References Appendices as appropriate. The Formal Capstone Project submission should be prepared using the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as appropriate), appropriately paginated using a twelve-point standard style font (Times New Roman) and written using current APA guidelines. menglandn599chapter4.docx menglandn599week5__1_.docx menglandweek4n599.docx menglandproposaln599.edited__1_.docx menglandn599week2.edited__1_.docx RUNNING HEAD: CHAPTER 4 1 Capstone Chapter 4 Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 20, 2020 CHAPTER 4 2 Chapter 4: Results and Recommendations Health care Workforce Response Twenty-three hospitals were involved in the research project and gave their responses to the questionnaire provided with a response rate of 55%. This involved private and public hospitals, and the hospital size ranged from 40 to 800 hospital beds for inpatient. The hospital beds’ median for the public hospitals being 352 and private hospitals at 101 (median= 260). An equivalent of 180 to 5000 health care professionals and a median of 2370 were identified in both public and private hospitals, while the hospital beds stand at a median of 44 beds in both emergency department and intensive care units. The percentage of the emergency department participants was 41%, respondents from infection control were 23 %, and finally, the percentage of Acute Services and nursing was 14%. Group Frequency Count Control of infections 80% 18 Occupational Health & safety 42% 8 Medical and medical staff 37% 8 Emergency management committee 30% 7 Nursing Director and Staff 25% 6 Emergency Department 25% 6 Quality and Risk 15% 4 ICU 6% 2 Table 1: frequency of certain hospital departments in preparing pandemic preparedness and emergency plans Medical staff and hospital executives were cited as the staff members commonly involved in planning the occupational health and safety departments, emergency department, and CHAPTER 4 3 intensive care units in the infectious departments. The hospitals had a higher planning and preparedness rate in some private hospitals and public hospitals, while some required additional improvement. Therefore, in the case of a pandemic, the respondents indicated that the hospitals would handle the pandemic at a good point, with the variable being the availability of workforce and how severe the pandemic is likely to be. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion The respondents reported the hospital needs in the acute health care setting would not be met adequately due to the high rate of healthcare professional absenteeism. The survey also indicated that some of the hospitals had achieved the overall guidelines on hygiene standards and precautions training on managing the pandemic. However, the hospitals needed to have an additional provision of personal protective equipment to protect themselves from the infections. When it comes to the health care workers on the preparedness to report to in the wake of a pandemic, many workers were willing to report. Anxiety was evident in the interview, but they were willing to report to the health care facilities. This is based on the hospitals’ preparedness in the reduction of the chances of infections to occur in the hospitals as they attend to the patients. The health care workers reported that appropriate measures were put in place to identify health workers infected and isolation procedures to handle the case, hence preventing other staff infection chances. However, the health care professionals were unwilling to attend to the patients in the next pandemic due to fear of personal and family safety. This is because the workers are expected to be infected first as they are in direct contact with their patients, which would then be transmitted to their family members. Therefore, when healthcare professionals consider themselves at a greater risk of a pandemic in the middle of a pandemic, their chances of reporting to their work station are low. However, according to the respondents, the hospital management was putting in place measures to ensure that the health care professionals were well taken care CHAPTER 4 4 of. This includes educational training on how to protect them adequately against the pandemic. The move would prepare the healthcare workers on the protocol update on pandemic preparedness, which would reduce uncertainties. The respondents viewed the preparedness of the hospital’s capacity to meet the infrastructure required in the fight against a pandemic as a mixed one. The preparedness in the infrastructure was weak, with little pandemic infrastructure presentation hence a potential challenge in addressing the pandemic in case of an increase in the number of cases. As an important part of the fight against a pandemic, the emergency department was identified as lacking essential facilities to care for the patients. Based on the current pandemic that has affected the globe, the respondents commented on the need for adequate preparedness in the emergency department to provide the isolation centers and disease wards to handle a large number of infected persons. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion Most of the interviewees cited the lack of proper measures to handle the pandemic in healthcare facilities. The respondents also cited the need to have expanded emergency departments or shifting the department in a new expanded space to fully handle the high number of expected patients (Sedgwick, 2013). Although the health care facilities reported enough supply of medical equipment, personal protective equipment, and enough supply for medications and other necessities in managing a pandemic, there is still the need to do more and improve on the equipment, especially in the public health setting. The hospitals had a minimum supply of additional ventilators in case the infected patients increase. The intensive care units also needed an urgent improvement in terms of the hospital bed and additional ventilators. The respondents also raised concerns over the supply of consumables and essential equipment during the epidemic in the whole healthcare sector. Some respondents also had concerns over the health care sector’s CHAPTER 4 5 capabilities in conducting timely tests and patient results, which would affect the management of the pandemic. The respondents also raised a concern over the use and selection of PPE, vaccination programs and how immunization is to be done. Therefore, there is a need for the health care facilities and the management to formulate the best methods in guidance on the selection and use of the personal protective equipment and immunization programs (Goodman, 2020). Communication pandemic was also a concern for some respondents who thought there was the need to have a well prepared and well-coordinated communication center on the pandemic. The interviewers felt that a lot needed to be done to improve the communication on the pandemic situation, especially among the health care professions and the patients. This was essential to prevent panic and ensure smooth management and response to the pandemic (Christopher et al., 2020). Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion The content in the communication was also a major concern among the respondents on the diagnostic and definitions. The other concern in the readiness of a pandemic in the acute health care setting was the challenges of tracing, testing and treatment of the patients. Discussion of the Findings The findings identified some areas that need an improvement in the acute health care setting to adequately prepare for the management of the pandemic when it occurs. A pandemic severity can be variable and, therefore, the need to have a plan to handle the pandemic in the acute healthcare setting. Most of the hospitals under the survey identified the need to have management procedures to adequately prepare the health care workers in handling patients and ensuring their safety. The data analysis indicates the need to have additional inpatient beds and CHAPTER 4 6 intensive care unit beds to handle the large number of patients who may be infected. Also, there is a need to have a plan to take care of the health workers and ensure that they are not at risk when taking care of the patients. Such measures in place are essential to ensure that the workers are motivated in caring for their patients without the worries of being infected and also putting their families at risk of the infection. One of the major concerns among healthcare workers was the hospital preparedness in the fight against the pandemic in both the public and the private sector (Christopher et al., 2020). The patients’ fear in the healthcare setting due to inadequate planning of the hospitals in the fight against a pandemic is a major concern that needs to be addressed. Without proper plans in place and protection of the health workers against the pandemic is a major crisis in managing the pandemic (Lopalco & Tan, 2016). Without proper measures to support the health care professionals in the wake of a pandemic, it would be difficult to address the pandemic. Health care professionals need an assurance of safety against the disease for themselves and their families to effectively offer their services in the fight against infections. There is a need to have proper steps to educate the workers on selecting personal protective equipment and how to safeguard themselves (Goodman, 2020). Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion Limitation of the study The study’s major limitation is the small number of participants in the research project and the number of hospitals with emergency departments. The planning framework and preparedness are based only on the respondents’ knowledge, which may be a limitation in the study in terms of data collection. The data provided on essential equipment and infrastructures in the hospitals CHAPTER 4 7 was scanty, limiting the hospitals’ major position. The study also included qualitative data to strengthen interview data, which may not be the case (Sedgwick, 2013). Recommendations The research project provided important information and an overview of the hospitals’ current situation and the need to have an improvement in areas identified. This will ensure that the hospitals are adequately prepared in case a pandemic affects a large percentage of the health care sector across the globe. The research project will be presented to the local hospitals, which I believe will help them improve their health care facilities and be more prepared in the fight against a pandemic. CHAPTER 4 8 References Goodman, A. (2020). The Global Impact of the Zika Virus Pandemic: The Importance of Emergency Preparedness. Health, 12(02), 132-140. Lopalco, P., & Tan, L. (2016). Pandemic vaccines: are we prepared for the next pandemic?. Future Virology, 11(4), 253-258. Edwards, R., & Brannelly, T. (2017). Approaches to democratizing qualitative research methods. Qualitative Research, 17(3), 271-277. Christopher, D., Isaac, B., Rupali, P., & Thangakunam, B. (2020). Healthcare preparedness and healthcare worker protection in COVID-19 pandemic. Lung India, 37(3), 238. METHOD 1 Capstone Method Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 13, 2020 METHOD 2 METHOD Procedure This study uses a cohort study design to establish the cause of the ailment and identify links between risk factors. Local hospitals with an operational intensive care unit and emergency department will be recognized and contacted via telephone to help identify the emergency management coordinators in charge of emergency management, planning, and operations. A structured questionnaire was prepared based on an existing pandemic management plan. The survey has its main sections as facility planning data, workforce glitches and structure, and surge capacity. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion The questionnaire was piloted using a representative number of individuals. Data was collected and computed for univariate and bivariate analysis. A qualitative approach is then used for text responses (Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). The cohort study method is applicable in this research as a non-experimental study where the participants included in the study are selected based on the interests in the research outcome. The study uses the study design to assess the level of preparedness in a pandemic in the acute health care setting. The cohort study involves local hospitals designed to handle intensive care to patients affected by a pandemic. Subjects and participants The research focused on local hospitals with intensive healthcare facilities and emergency departments contacted on the research via telephone. The selected hospitals were subjected to the research. The management in the emergency department and the management in intensive care will be required to fill a pre-prepared questionnaire. These are the most important sources of information on how their health facilities are prepared to fight against a pandemic. The research METHOD 3 design requires that the participants be subjected to training on how the response should be made (MacKay et al., 2020). Collection of Data Primary and secondary data were collected in the research in which the participants provided the primary source of data. In contrast, the qualitative approach on review of past research works on pandemic preparedness was used. The primary data involved the use of a prepared questionnaire based on past research work on pandemic preparedness.. In addition, interviews were also good sources of information on how acute healthcare facilities are prepared in the management of the pandemic. The interviews involved 20 healthcare professionals in the emergency and intensive care unit based on their roles in the health care facilities. A qualitative case study was used to collect secondary data on the preparedness of the health care facilities in the fight and management of the pandemic in the acute health care setting. There was a need to prevent biases, and therefore, the information was sourced from two independent sources: the information provided by the ministry of health and the internet which provided reviewed articles on the readiness of the acute health care setting in containing a pandemic. The internet database provided such materials from Google Scholar and included search terms such as pandemic readiness in the acute health care setting, and how are health care prepared in the fight against the next pandemic? Information provided by healthcare facilities included their procedures in handling the infected patients at the emergency department and the intensive care unit (Edwards & Brannelly, 2017). In the qualitative research methods, the case study approach was more effective in collecting data through a literature review of previous studies on the same topic. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion This provided important information required in the research on the preparedness in the event of a pandemic. METHOD 4 Advantage of the data collection strategy The strategy used in collecting data has its advantages over the other methods in the study and therefore considered the most appropriate research method for the study. This is because the cohort study method provides an opportunity to have clarity of the temporal sequence, which determines whether the exposure preceded the expected outcomes. The cohort study method clearly indicates the temporal sequence in the outcome and the exposure. The study also provides an opportunity for the calculation of incidences of the likelihood of a disease, which can be grouped as absolute risk, relative risk, attributable proportion, and risk difference. The multiple outcomes of the study can also be determined simultaneously. Qualitative data collection is also important in research given that the researcher can be more speculative on the interest areas of research and how the investigation is to be done. The research is also more targeted in the whole process, which improves data collection process while minimizing the cost of the data collection process. Limitations Despite the advantages of the cohort study strategy, some limitations may make the research process a challenge. For instance, a researcher is expected to conduct a follow up of a large subject over a long period, the study method may be expensive and also consumes a lot of time, may introduce bias as a result of differential loss of participants follow up, data may be of poor quality if the data used was not designed for this type of study (Sedgwick, 2013). In qualitative analysis, the limitation of the study method is that the strategy may be timeconsuming, which remains a major drawback in a research method. The interpretation of the data may also be limited. This is because; qualitative methods may take between weeks and months METHOD 5 and given that the collection of data may deviate from the main study question. The process is also labor-intensive due to the analysis process, such as recording and categorization and requires a very experienced researcher to obtain the required information. Finally, the research strategy is not representative statistically. This is because the strategy is based on perspectives, and the responses given are not measured. Also, the research may result in comparison, which may lead to duplication. Therefore, there is a need to cross-examine the data collected to avoid duplication (Sedgwick, 2013). Ethical Issues on Collection Upon the participants Ethical consideration that was considered in the research study includes informed consent, voluntary participation, confidentiality and anonymity. Information consent ensures that the participants in the research are fully aware of the project. Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion In this regard, the participants were briefed on the study’s expectations to make an informed decision on their participation. Participation in the research was voluntary, and they were allowed to withdraw from the research without discriminations. Finally, the participants’ confidentiality was maintained, and their information was to be confidential only to the program coordinator, and therefore no use of names was done. This ensures that participants remain anonymous (Velip, 2018). Data Analysis The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis, which included collecting the data, analysis, interpretation and modeling. The analysis involved a descriptive analysis of a set of collected samples and data. The analysis involved statistical tools in computing the data collected from the participants. METHOD 6 References Edwards, R., & Brannelly, T. (2017). Approaches to democratizing qualitative research methods. Qualitative Research, 17(3), 271-277. Velip, P. (2018). Ethical Issues in Research Writing. International Journal Of Trend In Scientific Research And Development, Volume-2(Issue-5), 2429-2432. MacKay, D., Jecker, N., Pitisuttithum, P., & Saylor, K. (2020). Selecting participants fairly for controlled human infection studies. Bioethics.Aspen University N 599 Preparedness in Acute Health Care Capstone Conclusion . Sedgwick, P. (2013). Prospective cohort studies: advantages and disadvantages. BMJ, 347(nov08 1), f6726-f6726. Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Literature Review Mariann England Aspen University Nursing Capstone Dr. Julie Kolde July 6, 2020 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Analysis of literature In the event of a pandemic, most of the population is exposed to the high rate of the pandemic, which remains at 40-60 % of the affected population. However, the lack of the necessary guidelines and standards in the fight against the pandemic can be the most important failure in the acute health care setting. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare setting to be ready and well prepared with measures and strategies in place to counter the effects of a pandemic. The world has witnessed different incidences of pandemics that remain a major health burden to many different countries. One kind of pandemic is Influenza, which affects a large population of different countries. Due to the growth of urbanization and global transportation, it is evident that, in the case of a pandemic, it is likely to spread rapidly across the world. Therefore, Pandemic readiness in the acute health care setti … Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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