Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay Clear role definition is essential to the development of the psychiatric nurse. The expanded role of the psychiatric nurse is clearly identified in the literature for many areas of care such for the forensic psychiatric nurse in Lyons (2009), the nurse practitioner in O’Neil, Moore, and Ryan (2008); Kaye et al. (2009) , and for the mental health liaison nurse in Merritt and Procter ( 2010). However, a clear role definition for the generalist nurse is not easily found (Rungapadiachy & Gough, 2004). According to these authors, a definition of the generalist role and its associated behaviors are not easily articulated. Hildegard Peplau, the only psychiatric nursing theorist (McKenna & Slevin, 2008) identifies nursing roles that …show more content…Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay In the orientation role, the nurse and patient spend time getting to know each other. In the identification phase, the nurse helps the patient identify his or her needs.Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay The patient begins to focus on new goals in the exploitation phase, and finally, in the resolution phase, the nurse and the patient collaboratively agree the patient has met his or her goals. Rungapadiachy and Gough (2004) in a study that explores mental health nursing students’ perception of the nursing role in psychiatry, identifies several themes in which student nurses identify five psychiatric nursing roles. The roles include nurse administrator, agent of physical interventions, medication administrator, and educator. These authors conclude that role identification is highly complex and not always easy to define. However, they contend that the role of the psychiatric nurse should be expanded in order to develop the therapeutic interactions between the nurse and the patient. Hurley (2009) designed a qualitative study to clarify the identity of the mental health nurse. The author defines the psychiatric nurse’s role as the role as exhibited in several behaviors. The behaviors include, being a generic specialist, adopting the patient’s focus, engaging in talking therapy, interacting with the patients, and engaging in a therapeutic use of self. Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner essay Permalink: psychiatric-nurs…actitioner-essay / Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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