Read Declaration of Independence and Cullen pp. 35-58. and answer

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Read Declaration of Independence (Links to an external site.) and Cullen pp. 35-58.(pdf)

probably not the first time you’ve heard of the Declaration of Independence, but it might be the first time you’ve read it carefully. As you read, pay attention to the way Jefferson builds his argument.

1)What are the colonists angry about and how does this anger lead to revolution as its conclusion?

As you read Cullen’s commentary on the Declaration, first read as a believer. Decide that you will go along with his argument. Then, 2)once you’ve finished the chapter and understand what Cullen is saying, consider whether you agree with him or not. Why or why not?


Reply to this conversation with a post that does these two things:

1. Answer this question: How does Cullen’s commentary complicate the idea of the American Dream? Quote or paraphrase from Cullen with parenthetical citations and make references to the Declaration to support your answer.

2. Ask a question about the Declaration or about Cullen’s ideas.

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