Further discussion: My peer talked about telecommuting work and this is the standard practice right now for many employers and will likely be for some time. It is nice to have this option but for some, it is not an option and this presents challenges such as what to do with children, fear of working during the pandemic, etc. What are other alternatives that may be able to help with challenges such as childcare issues? 175+ word count, At least 1 APA reference Wade Ferry: Many factors that limit a person able to accomplish work. Just thinking back in my previous year of work I have had to spend time away for various reasons. Those reasons include medical appointments, family matters, or time to separate me from my work as an absence. Many employees have adopted systems to give employees time off to handle matters. This can be sick leave or paid leave. Usually, sick leave is given and requires a doctors note where paid leave is earned and varies per employer. I am in the USAF and the military offers 30 days paid leave per year. It can take all at once or separated. In the military, you are able to carry over up to sixty days per fiscal year. Great Perks These are not the only ways employers have created an environment to give employees the ability to reduce stress. Consider a situation where a single parent was working full time and the child was in daycare. COVID-19 happens and daycare is unavailable. How can the employer flex and create an environment that can allow the single parent to accomplish all or some work? Teleworking is a great option. This allows employees to contribute to the organization in an ability suitable to the employee. Outside of COVID-19, the employer could also offer free or reduced-cost child care. They may also offer part-time employment when required to allow employees to handle personal business. Luckily when COVID-19 happened my organization moved to telework when applicable and allowed for a reduced workload when required to go into the office. My organization has also moved to consolidated work hours. We are allowed to work 4/10s to 3/12s. Teleworking and flexible works hours are some of the ways employers are able to retain their employees (Branine, 2011).