The Adlerian Model
Understanding Core Issues Using the Adlerian ModelSymptoms of Traceys depression reported by her mother include a lack of interest in performing school activities, loss of appetite, spending late nights in the streets, Isolating herself in the bedroom and bathroom. and her mom observed daily alterations with physical appearance. The Adlerian model states that everyone experiences feelings of inferiority (Adler, 1979, pp. 25; 53). The feeling of inferiority encourages the pursuit of goals and assist individuals to improve self. Tracys depression has led to drug use, self-destructive behavior peer pressure, anxiety, negative self-concept, Based on Adlerian theory, the trauma that led to Traceys depression can be traced back to her relationship her family, and childhood experiences. (Adler, 1979, p. 30). Tracey experienced adverse childhood experiences. Her parents got divorced, her mom was an alcoholic and she witnessed her moms boyfriend using drugs. Traceys s family structure was unable to promote a positive influence on Tracey growth and development (Adler, 1979, pp. 25 28). the relationship she had with her mom growing up seems to be positive; however, the many adversities that she experienced seems to have a negative influence on her current behavior. (Use Adlerian Theory) Relevant Research Examining Counseling Treatment and Theoretical Approach: In this section, the objective is to help you become a consumer of scholarship when functioning as a professional counselor. Cite relevant research that examines treatment of one or more of the child/adolescents problems within the theoretical model. Describe each cited study in at least one sentence. You must select a total of 3 professional journal articles for this section. What does the recent evidence (select literature within the last 5 years) say about this particular problem or concern and effective interventions? (20 points) 4. Why This Model Fits You Best as A Therapist: In one paragraph, discuss why this model would best fit you as a professional counselor and discuss why.