The Adolescent Mind
Here you will answer various questions related to this module and larger societal and cultural trends. I encourage you to include your personal experiences and observations as part of these discussions. You will also read and comment upon the answers of your peers. Your participation in these discussion boards will be evaluated using the rubric provided in the discussion forum within Canvas. Considering the various resources you just viewed, discuss the following: 1. Should adolescents be tried in a court of law as adults? Adolescents under the age of 18 can be tried as adults in some circumstances and sentenced according to adult guidelines, possibly for the rest of their lives. In your response: Use information from this module to support your opinion. Consider various potential circumstances of when/how/if the “trial as adult” option should be used. Consider as well the possibilities of who would be more likely to get arrested in the first place (vs warned), who would be more likely to have support and resources to fight the charges, and other contextual factors. Discussion Reminders: Reference the resources from this module as part of your response to be eligible to earn full credit. Resources: – – – – –