The Art of War
Objectives: Compare and contrast at least 3 of your sources Interpret information across sources Synthesize common ideas across sources If appropriate, work with arguments Construct a document using MLA conventions for document design and Works Cited Task: 4 paragraphs or 2 ½ pages minimum, 3 pages maximum plus Works Cited Use MLA format. Minimum 3 sources required. Use appropriate and correct in-text and Works Cited documentation. Refer to your online research, handouts, and textbooks for advice. Remember: You may use all of your sources in your Review but the minimum number is 3. Be careful not to fall into the 5-paragraph essay trap with 3 sources, though. A Review of Literature is not the same thing as a Literary Review. Most of the models youll find will be from the sciences because Reviews of Literature aka Review of Research are either mandatory components of larger scientific research projects or, as in the case of this assignment, an informative essay that brings readers up to date on the state of research as well as familiarizes readers with perspectives, or points of view, on a topic.