[ORDER SOLUTION] The Central Conflict
Write an essay of at least 800 words analyzing the theme of the story “Dead Men’s Path.” How does the author characterize Michael Obi and describe his objectives after he is appointed headmaster of Ndume School? What is the central conflict of the story? What attitude does Michael Obi demonstrate towards local customs and people? What is the consequence of Michael’s action and attitude? What message does the author want readers to take away from the story? Link to the story (PDF): https://www.sabanciuniv.edu/HaberlerDuyurular/Documents/F_Courses_/2012/Dead_Mens_Path.pdf Suggested Structure Introduction – Definition of theme, the theme of the story (thesis) – 100 words Body 1 – Characterization of Michael Obi and his objectives – 200 words Body 2 – Central conflict, Michael’s discovery and his action, village priest’s request and Michael Obi’s response – 200 words Body 3 – Death of the village woman, villagers’ belief about the death, their reaction, and consequence for Michael Obi – 200 words Conclusion – What does the author suggest about how to treat different cultures and traditions – 100 words