The COVID-19 pandemic has been a hot topic for the past year. Daily reports are issued from the Department of Health and indicate rising numbers of people infected as well as the death rates. Reports indicate that while some people may experience mild symptoms, there are others who may experience severe illness that can lead to death. Once incapacitated, these patients are not able to convey their wishes for medical treatment. Advanced directives are legal documents that specify an individuals health care decisions in case of serious illness. Two elements of advanced directives are the Living Will and the Durable Power of Attorney. Which of these elements would you chose to adopt regarding your own health care in case of an emergency? Explain why you chose them. Note as you are formulating your ideas: Your initial post needs to be 400 words or more with (1) valid online resource. Your writing should be clear with correct grammar, include your opinion based on the information you have researched, include relevant vocabulary, and be applicable to nursing.