The Crossing Cormac Mcarthy
I want you to produce well-written, thoughtful arguments based on close readings of the texts and additional references. The weakest papers I see in my literature classes are generally those that employ no sources external to our primary texts. When referencing the primary texts in your paper, please use specific page numbers to identify referenced passages and events. Dont be vague in these references: find specific passages and events, use quotations where appropriate, and carefully document your references. When referencing outside sources, be sure to use a suitable annotation format. I prefer MLA, but if youre more comfortable with another, use it. Be consistent. The prompts below are for your use, and flexible. Dont feel like you need to slavishly devote yourself to what you take to be every directive in the prompt. I write them mainly to get you thinking and to get you started, and most importantly to get you into a narrow enough topic to be writeable. Each paper must be 8-10 pages in length and presented in double-spaced form, using 11- or 12-point type, one-inch margins for the body text, all pages numbered. No folders, binders, fillers, or rough drafts. Do not include a title page. Remember that time will not permit a revision and re-submission of your paper; do your very best work in the one draft youll produce here.PROMPT6. B. Billy as Ike Redux: Eco-Idealism Run Amok?Evaluate Billy in light of Ike McCaslin. A few of the parallels are striking, but the differences may be more striking. It may help to realize that Billy and Ike are both idealists of such extraordinary soaring that their idealism has only one place to land: in the center of fatalism. Much in the manner that a careful examination of Saint Ike may cause him to lose his halo, a hard look at Billy may reveal a dark center to his idealism. True, we do not see Billy (at least not inThe Crossing) grow into manhood and the age of full responsibility, but we do see the man in the making. Is he another Ike-in-progress? Is he a post-modern Ike? If he is a Fathers-less son (sorry!), then is it possible for Billy to gain any real sense of articulation of his actions and ideals?