The Executive Branch
Discuss the challenges presented by the line of succession. In particular, how would you feel if an unelected cabinet secretary further down on the line of succession, say, the secretary of housing and urban development, were to assume the office of president?Similarly, because the Speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate are second and third in line of succession, respectively, it is entirely possible that one partys control of the presidency could be replaced by anothers in the event of a transition. A Democratic administration could be replaced by a Republican administration, or vice versa. What political challenges such transitions might create.Your post must be at least 300 Words (not including citations)Your post must include 2 intext citations from the book (not necessarily a quote, but should make reference to the text that supports your comments). Your intext citation should be rendered as follows: (Losco and Baker 2015-2016, pg XX)Your post should include one Bibliographic Reference at the end of the post. In most instances, the reference can be the book, which is cited as follows:Losco and Baker.2015-2016.American Government. Mc Graw Hill