[ORDER SOLUTION] The Gaming World
This Research Paper (Assignment 4) is very standard in format. It will be an 8-10 page paper using 5 sources. Sources should (but do not HAVE to) come from the HACC Library, either books/materials from one of the physical library buildings on campus or journal articles and other sources from the Librarys electronic databases. Again, many of you will find the database Academic Search Complete extremely useful for your project (see 6.6 for info on how to access ASC). The previous Unit of work will have given you everything you need to begin this research process, but HACCs wonderful librarians and I will be delighted to offer help and support as you work. Dont hesitate to ask questions. If you can’t at first find many sources using the HACC Library, I ask that you try again using different “keyword” searches in Academic Search Complete (see Unit 6). If, after doing this, you still cannot find adequate sources, use the Library homepage to contact a Librarian and ask for help. If, finally, you still cannot find the five sources in the HACC library, you may supplement one or two sources from other venues. If you do this, you are responsible for evaluating the quality of the sources. What are the credentials of the author? What is the reputation of the publication in which the source appears? These are the sort of questions you will need to ask of each source before using them in your essay. Your Research Paper will be argument-driven (just as Assignment 3 was), and will focus on an event/issue in the headlines during the month and year you were born. You can focus on the event in a purely isolated or historical way, or tie it in with contemporary events by showing how an issue has developed over time or an event played out in the following decades You must offer an in-text citation whenever you: i) Quote directly from a secondary source ii) Paraphrase a secondary source iii) Use specific pieces of information (statistics, data, etc.) found in a secondary source Please use MLA format. My topic is on the Sega Dreamcast, the gaming console that came out in September, 1999. Please also include a thesis in the writing, and be sure to briefly answer your question right away. That answer will become your thesis. How did the Dreamcast shape the gaming world? What is its legacy?