Theatrical Biography | Instant Homework Solutions
It is to be a typewritten, double-spaced research paper, with a minimum of a six complete pages of text. Use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a cover/title page.The page before the bibliography should include links to video, audio, and images. Reference your paper properly. Have a minimum of 5 sources in your bibliography. Use MLA style.The title page, the links page,and the works cited page do not count toward the 6 page minimum.Section 1:Introduce the person(s) you are covering. Preview the main points you will be covering in your paper.Section 2:Provide a short biography of the person/people. Pay careful attention to the events of their lives that may have shaped their artistic sensibilities.Section 3:How does/do the person(s)fit into the time periods and cultural periods we have discussed? How is their output similar to the work of others that we covered in class? How is it different? What makes their work stand out?Section 4:You will report on how productions of their work were originally done. For composers and lyricists you will also report on how various revivals of their work have been done. Provide specific information concerning how their works mirror the culture of the time they were performed and/or of the time they were revived. Did they also help to shape culture? If so, what did they contribute?Cover these areas as appropriate: Set design, Costume design, Textual changes in revivals(rewrites or cutting), Casting (did any actors have star-making performances in the shows you are covering), Directorial approaches/style or choreography style or song styles or lyric style or book style, Audience reaction, Critical reaction VERY IMPORTANT: Standing/regard in culture/history(for individuals and for their work.)What is their legacy? Who have they inspired/influenced and how?Where do we see their influence today?Section 5:Summarize and conclude.—————————————————————————————————————–ADVICE:–Make assertions and then support them with examples. –Tell us the story of their life/lives and their achievements. Remember to include their legacy. As part of their legacy,include who they have influenced and how the influence has manifested.–Use audio/visual material for support as much as possible. Provide pictures, descriptions, links to videos or audio, etc. in order for the class to see and hear examples of what you are covering in your paper. Primarily use clips from theatre productions, unless you are specifically showing how their work has been used in other mediums. PowerPoint or Prezi may be used.The slides should primarily be images. If text is used, use onlykey words and/or short phrases.