Threat Assessment
One domestic and one international terrorist group on a large city within 250 miles of your residence (Chattanooga). Minimum of five (5) scholarly references and five professional, technical, or government references that DO NOT include dictionaries or encyclopedias. The assessment (report) will be written in TECHNICAL form using APA format. Government documents are written in technical (versus academic) form and are more matter-of-fact than the typical scholarly journal article. Look at reports by local, state, or federal agencies with which you are familiar to find an example of technical writing. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a references page, but write it like the government report you find as an example. The assessment should specifically identify one each domestic and international terror group, how they were identified as such, where they are located, what they do to instill terror in the populace, and several indicators of their work. You should evaluate several potential targets in your chosen city, to include individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure at a minimum. The paper should have, at a minimum, the following sections: Group name, history, primary geographic location of operation, membership number and demographics, terrorism category/subcategory, primary threat to public, other threats. Address the threats for the location using at a minimum: Location, primary industry/employment, critical infrastructure, population size, access to methods of transportation.