To Kill a Mockingbird
Please use this document as your guiding document to structure your essay.Prompt: How does the author use specific elements of plot, literary devices, and connections to explore one of the themes in the book?? Introduction? Hook: Grab the attention of the reader? Synopsis: Describe the basic plot of the novel? Theme: Identify the major themes that the author explores.? Thesis statement: Your answer to the prompt. Your argument and what your essaywill be about. The author uses elements of plot, literary devices, and connections to explore the theme of______.? Body Paragraph 1 – Elements of Plot? Topic Sentence: Overall, how does the author use elements of plot to explore thetheme.? Concrete Detail/Quote: Introduce the quote that has an element of plot that theauthor uses to support and explore a theme.? Commentary/Analysis: Which specific element of plot is being used to explorethe theme.? Commentary/Analysis: How effective is the author using this and your thoughts.? Concluding Sentence: Recap and transition to the next body paragraph.? Body Paragraph 2 – Literary Devices? Topic Sentence: Overall, how does the author use literary devices to explore thetheme.? Concrete Detail/Quote: Introduce the quote that has a literary device that theauthor uses to support and explore a theme.? Commentary/Analysis: Which specific literary device is being used to explore thetheme.? Commentary/Analysis: How effective is the author using this and your thoughts.? Concluding Sentence: Recap and transition to the next body paragraph.? Body Paragraph 3 – Connections? Topic Sentence: Overall, how does the author use connections to explore the theme.? Concrete Detail/Quote: Introduce the quote that has a connection that the author uses to support and explore a theme.? Commentary/Analysis: What connection is made that the author is using to explore the theme.? Commentary/Analysis: How effective is the author using this and your thoughts.? Concluding Sentence: Recap and transition to the conclusion.? Conclusion? Restate your thesis.? Go through how you proved your thesis.? Closure statement