Transnational Venue Management
During my visiting professorship at Shanghai University of Sport in 2015 and 2016, I had the opportunity to look at the outsourced venue management of the Mercedes Benz Arena in Shanghai – which uses a unique type of in-house AND outsourced management process. I have attached the article myself and a professor from SUS wrote a couple of years back about this transnational venue management process. If you choose to review the article, feel free to comment on one or all of the questions below: What are the benefits and shortfalls for Mercedes-Benz Arena outsourcing their management to AEG? (75 words) Would a social embeddedness strategy work well in the management of sport facilities in Australia. Why or why not? (100 words) Look at the ownership structure of the MCG. Due to its unique ownership status, could outsourced management and social embeddedness strategies effectively be implemented? If yes how. If no why not? (100 words)