Treatment Methods For Addiction
Welcome to Unit 5! In unit 5, we will discuss the five Ws of addiction: who, what, when, where, and why. In addition, we will explore how various dimensions of wellness are affected by active addiction as well as the journey towards recovery. CSLO 1: Identify and describe inner resources to strengthen mind-body connections CSLO 2: Compare and contrast unhealthy lifestyle practices based on sound, evidence-based principles of a holistic wellness model. CSLO 3: Define and describe health challenges to the mind-body-spirit and holistic methods to prevent and manage these challenges. CSLO 4: Analyze and discuss the safe use of complementary and integrative therapies Reading Invitation to Holistic Health 9781284105483 Unit 5: Readings Chapter 17 Addiction: Diseases of Fear, Shame and Guilt Unit 5: Resources Attached Files: HED3200 Ch 17.pptx (1.273 MB) Addiction: Diseases of Fear, Shame and Guilt PowerPoint (attached) Every Day Addictions Video Unit 5 AS: Treatment Methods for Addiction Attached Files: HED 3200 U5 AS Instructions (1).docx (75.027 KB) AS Description: Identify and analyze treatment options available for drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco addiction. Identify resources to help people struggling with addiction. In 2 pages, please identify and discuss three to four treatment options available for individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder (alcohol, drugs, tobacco). Consider inpatient treatment (rehab, hospital settings, etc.), outpatient treatment (counseling, methadone maintenance, etc.), and other support programs (sober living facilities, 12-step programs, etc.). Compare and contrast these treatment options and how effective they are in treating addiction. Consider availability, access, and cost when discussing these options. In addition, create a list of 5-7 national and community-based addiction resources available to support someone through their journey to recovery. Checklist: § 2 COMPLETE pages in Times New Roman 12 font identifying and discussing treatment options § Create a separate list of 5 – 7 national and community-based resources available for individuals with a diagnosed substance use disorder. § Use scholarly research and your textbook to support your responses (Two peer-reviewed or government sources required). § A reference page in APA format