Two Methods of Assessing Health Care Organizations Operational Needs
Two Methods of Assessing Health Care Organizations Operational Needs
Two Methods of Assessing Health Care Organizations Operational Needs
Compare and contrast at least two methods of assessing health care organizations operational needs and explain how they differ based upon a particular health care setting.
For this assignment, you will be required to collaborate with classmates to develop a balanced scorecard. Your instructor will assign groups of 3 4 members.
Your groups balanced scorecard should be prepared according to the guidelines found in the Rohm reading assigned in Module 6.
For examples of balanced scorecards, review the examples given in the Balanced Scorecard Institute reading assigned in Module 6 (
This assignment uses a grading rubric that can be viewed at the assignments drop box. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
According to Blumberg, Cohen and Dawood (2018), a diagnosis of Influenza A often has uncomplicated illness over a short period.
Two Methods of Assessing Health Care Organizations Operational Needs
Therefore, having the patient admitted for further management is least unlikely for the patient. However, there is a need for supportive therapy. This includes prescribing the use of acetaminophen to manage fever and intravenous fluids for rehydration if required. The recommended dosage for acetaminophen is 500mg four times a day for three to three days. The patient should also be prescribed with oral oselamivir 75 mg twice daily for five days. The patient might require supplemental oxygen to improve tissue oxygenation. The protective equipment that the patient should use includes facemask, clean gloves, and a gown. Sputum test should be ordered to determine whether the patients need antibiotic therapy (World Health Organization, 2018).
HCA 610 Week 2 Discussion 2 Latest-GCU
What is the purpose of a balanced scorecard? How is the balanced scorecard used to lead and manage an organization? How can the balanced scorecard be linked to organizational effectiveness as well as individual performance evaluation?
Choosing the appropriate measures
An effective measuring system ties together programs, aligns organizational units and resources, and boosts productivity.
Surprisingly, the majority of people choose measures before deciding how to utilize them.
While it makes logical to consider measure selection and use in that order, the practical order is the opposite.
Performance measures are required in three areas for organizations:
To steer the entire company in a specific direction.
To coordinate the resources required for this journey.
To run the processes that keep the company running.
Leadership measurements are rarely used in most businesses.
Many health-care companies, on the other hand, have struggled to expand their focus beyond financial metrics to incorporate leadership metrics.
Because they dont examine the implications of structures, these organizations struggle to better manage their resources with continuous quality improvement rooted at the process level.
Without the integration of clinical and financial metrics, the same businesses will have a difficult time operating the processes they want to improve.
Organizations require three types of measures to overcome these obstacles:
Strategicto put strategies into action and transform the culture of the organization
Diagnosticto assess the effectiveness of these actions and the degree to which they have changed the situation.
Operationalconstant improvement
At the organizational level, senior managers are accountable for ensuring that metrics exist for these three reasons.
These metrics can be arranged in a cycle to highlight the three stages that high-performing organizations go through
The strategic plan, unlike the traditional approach to quality management, must drive teams focused on processes.
That strategy must have measurable objectives.
Then, using continuous improvement concepts, systems (structural elements run by senior management) and processes can be handled operationally.
Finally, the efficacy of the strategic plans actions is assessed using the results of system and process measures.
The two goals of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Health Care criteria (rearranged) can be presented as the hypothesis evaluated by this cycle:
The goal is to increase the overall performance and capacities of the company as a health-care provider.
(leads to): Intermediate effect/cause: providing patients and other consumers with ever-increasing value
(contributes to) Improved health-care quality as a result of (contributes to)
A strategic plan uses strategic measures to define the particular cause-and-effect relationship.
To operate the processes, metrics of processes and outcomes are used to improve performance.
Relationships of cause and effect
Its easier to figure out what measurements to have if you know how measurements will be used.
At the organizational, process, and individual levels, measurements are required to test various cause-and-effect linkages.
Organizations provide a foundation for interdependence among themselves (and partners), as well as their consumers and staff, simply by existing (see Figure 2).
When one or more parties do not receive value or believe the value to be insufficient, the interdependence is weakened.
Structures, procedures, results, quality, and costs can all be integrated and aligned to strengthen this interdependency.
Strengthening interdependence necessitates determining the value each side requires.
As a result, health-care organizations must incorporate business, patient, and staff value measures.
While many do, these measurements are rarely designed in a way that demonstrates this interdependence.
They arent chosen to demonstrate that the three categories of values have a cause-and-effect relationship.
Hospitals and health-care providers didnt have to worry about costs throughout the universal fee-for-service era, as indicated by the number of providers that used charge and no-cost accounting systems until recently.
Health care organizations began focusing on costs and patient happiness as a result of the combination of managed care penetration and public outrage over health care expenditures.
To complete the value-added picture, they must now include employee satisfaction and value.
The strategic strategy is the second cause-and-effect relationship that businesses must test.
A strategy, according to Kaplan and Norton, is a hypothesis regarding a cause-and-effect relationship.
As a result, a health-care plan predicts how (cause) a certain level of clinical quality (effect) will be attained.
The how must be described in terms of the efficacy and efficiency of organizational processes.
Information systems, process management, human resource management, and the leadership system are all examples of organizational operations.
These, too, must be connected in a cause-and-effect manner.
Effectiveness and efficiency measures are required for each component of the strategic cause-and-effect relationship.
At the process level, the third essential cause-and-effect relationship shows how processes influence specific results.
Managers should constantly improve their grasp of how processes effect results when managing (maintaining and enhancing performance) and running systems and processes.
Establishing links between process and outcome measures leads to this understanding.
Process improvement teams frequently fail to build this relationship because they focus solely on process or outcome measures.
Their control system, as a result, becomes a roadblock to effective continuous improvement.
The company has direct control over the process measures and can collect data on them more simply.
Collecting data on outcome measures is often more complex and expensive.
Understanding the relationship between the two metrics can help you save money on data collection.
Quality, time, and cost are the three most important categories of system and process measurements.
There is a cause-and-effect relationship here as well, which supports interdependency.
Time, quality, and cost are commonly viewed as conflicting forces.
A consumer who needs a product or service sooner, for example, is frequently warned by the supplier that it will cost more and that quality is uncertain.
These factors will support each other if time is defined as the time it takes to complete a process in a cycle and quality is defined as the absence of defects.
Reducing cycle time increases the amount of data collected on a process and provides more opportunity for quality improvement over time.