[ORDER SOLUTION] Types Of Intertextuality
Refer to the syllabus, Week 1: Poe & Intertextuality to access the readings for this DB response.The assignment is for you to write a 4 paragraph essay drawing from Poes poem The Raven and secondary sources (film/articles).Consider the two prompts below and choose one and respond to the question in essay formatting:1)How are Griffiths film and Frank Bidarts poem, To the Dead (stanza on page 2) highlighted in Cracking the Shell of the World examples of intertextuality drawing from Poes poem The Raven? Consider using a comparison essay structure to highlight the intertextuality between Griffith, Bidart and Poe.2)Or, of the 3 types of intertextuality: obligatory, optional and accidental which one do you think apply to Griffith and Bidart in referencing Poes poem, The Raven?